Lara Trump Says Her People WIll Be ‘Physically Handling’ Ballots At Polling Places In November


During an interview with Newsmax host Eric Bolling this week, RNC co-chair Lara Trump bragged about the fact that the RNC is going to be placing poll workers at polling stations across the country this November, and that these people will be “physically handling” the ballots. Trump claims that this is to ensure that no one tampers with the ballots, but this actually opens up a whole new world of possibilities for her people to rig the election. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

During an appearance on Newsmax this week with host Eric Bowling, Laura Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee, boosted about the fact that her party is going to have not just poll watchers at election stations across the country. Oh, no. She says that she is actually gonna have her little Republican, uh, thugs serving as poll workers, who she says will personally physically be handling the ballots. Now, of course, what she’s trying to convey is that we will have our people in place, you know, to make sure that there’s no funny business with the ballots, even though there wasn’t funny business in 2020. But she, like her father-in-law, still maintains that there was, in spite of the complete and total lack of evidence. But here is what she said to Eric Bowling, we now have the ability at the RNC, not just to have poll watchers, people standing in polling locations, but people who can physically handle the ballots.

Then Eric Bowling jumped in and he goes, I wanna hear this. So they will be stationed inside polling places. I didn’t even know you could do that. Tell us about it. And then of course, she mentioned the fact that a, uh, sanction had been placed on the RNC back in 1982 by a judge. That judge died several years ago. So she’s bragging about the fact that now that he’s dead, we don’t have to abide by that rule. Yeah, I mean, she actually said, um, and last year, the judge who implemented that passed away. So that was lifted. And that gives us a great ability as we head into what I assume everyone understands is the most important election of our lifetime. So we have this ability, these are volunteers. Most of these people, uh oh, most of these people, oh, Laura, you see, you can’t have employees.

You cannot pay people to go work at election places. Nuh Uhuh, that’s a big no-no under federal law. So, oops. Most of these people are implo, uh, are, are, are volunteers. Most, if you are implying for a single second that you and your party are paying these people to, as you put it, physically handle the ballots, oh crap, you better lawyer up pretty quickly. But here’s the other thing. You know, she’s bragging about this, you know, allegedly, because, oh, we’re gonna prevent election fraud. Nothing screams election fraud to me, like having your own people, as you put it, physically handling the ballots. So, what’s gonna happen when some of these RNC people look at these ballots, say, oh, this one’s a Biden ballot. This one’s a Biden ballot. Uh oh. Oh, no. Oh, the ballot’s not readable. What do we do? Oh, crap. Yeah, I don’t trust these people for a second, and neither should you. But there was a bit of a silly moment in this as well, because Laura Trump, in, in addition to admitting that she has her people that are gonna physically be handling our ballots, also made a shocking claim about how many states there are in the United States of America. Take a look at that clip.

These, these poll workers. We’re gonna have lawyers in all the major polling locations across the country. We have lawsuits in 81 states right now. We won about a week and a half ago.



  1. Federal election laws say any government official or employee of a candidate caught interfering with the voting process at polling locations in any way is instantly disqualified from holding any office of public trust. Should Lara Trump lay so much as a finger on someone's ballot, Trump's out. That's it. The vote in this country is the people's only sword. It is raw. It is brutal. It is devastating. One single box on one single ballot is more powerful than a thousand January 6ths.

  2. Well, we know they like to cheat at the polls, but this is illegal. That's right. I forgot that any Trump family member doesn't understand what illegal is!🤮🤮🤔🙏💖🪶💞✨️💜

  3. So when Judges die now all the Laws they passed get deleted, removed and no one has to follow them anymore? Hahahaha that's a new one. 😂 She's just making stuff up as she goes. There better not be Republicans at the polling places Handling people's ballots!! I hope she gets kicked off the RNC after Trump gets thrown in jail.

  4. Republicans are stupid if they just sit there and listen to everything she is saying without question all the ridiculous nonsense she’s making up. Only a fool would listen to a dumb blonde that doesn’t know how many states there are. It’s like Republicans live in a make believe world or something since Trump and his idiotic family has taken over. They do the same thing at Trumps rallies. Trump says the most outlandish and ridiculous things that are completely stupid and untrue and they just nod and say uh huh, knowing he is babbling nonsense. What’s wrong with these people?

  5. When I first saw Eric and Lara, I thought to myself, that boy married a beautiful woman… Good for him! But now I see that he didn't marry her for her brains, it was just her looks. She has demonstrated that she's an idiot (publicly) !

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