Listen To This Atheist’s Thoughts On Christianity And Islam


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Richard Dawkins declares himself a “cultural Christian.” What does that mean? Does it mean anything?

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  1. To people like Dawkins, the "rubble" of Christianity that Matt refers to – and the secularisation of Christmas in general – are trophies. So, of course, he wants to keep just a little bit of it.

  2. After considering Richard Dawkins, he is anti-Jesus, he believes Christianity is yet another magic thing that belongs to ancient history. His problem is what is happening to Great Britain. His generation of high minded philosophers managed to get people to leave the churches, since 1958, when the secular forces of the U.K. began pushing away the churches and emptied them. Today, Dawkins is looking around, there aren't enough Christians, and Ramadan is ruling his holidays. He suddenly became a "cultural Christian."

  3. Interesting. I've been an atheist, since an early age, and I understand and agree with absolutely everything he said. But I still understand your point, there'll be no Christianity without Christians. That's why even though I can't believe in anything divine, I still have a lot of respect for those who have faith and don't impose it negatively on society, like the mosques people.

  4. As a Muslim, I'd say Dawkins is one of the reasons that Christianity is losing out and will continue to lose out in the west. Everything he said about Islam is complete BS and coming from a stance of ignorance. Categorically speaking, there is no way of life that honors and protects women like Islam.
    @Matt Walsh, I invite you to pick up a copy of the Qur'an and read.

  5. Any shred of Christian values the West had has been eroded by the religion of Secularism and although the Muslim world definitely has its problems it is about the only place where the teachings of Christ are maintained which is why Dawkins prefers the once Christian West to the Muslim world.

  6. I would not celebrate flattery from someone who spent his life championing Satan's religion, rather I would fear it.
    You are quick to condemn the Muslim world but have you taken the time to compare which side actually maintains the teachings of the Messiah?

  7. The United States has a history of removing Native American people then naming the States and cities after them. Uprooting trees then naming the streets after them…

  8. Dawkins has always said this in discussing Christianity. In Christianity, you specifically must accept in your heart that Christ died for mankind's sins. If you regard the story of Christ more as a legend than fact, then technically you cannot with honesty call yourself a (God-fearing) Christian as the term is normally defined by protestants. That's what Dawkins means.

  9. I would trade 1000 "carrols and wreaths" for one more church — a real church where people will congregate and pray. He has no idea what he is talking about. He literally said he doesn't believe even a "single word" of bible. We should stop giving that old fart any more attention, his days are long gone.

  10. Question: Why can't we as cultural-Christians maintain and honor the sense of loyalty, however abstract, of our apostates as readily as *cough* certain other religious minorities do?
    Because we're a bunch of ethno-masochistic tools. that's why.

  11. I don't think Dawkins is wrong, at all. I'm an atheist myself (as MANY of us in Quebec are, because of how religion treated us up to mid 20th-century). But that doesn't mean i reject the fundamental principles of how we should live. I just think the whole Bible thing is bollocks, but as far as christian guidelines of living decency, towards oneself and others around you, that IS very, VERY good.
    And i will not be called hypocritical to believe that, whilst not believing in the Santa Claus figure we call God. And in that sense, ya i guess i could be what Dawkins calls "a cultural Christian" in that I believe in the culture it has built around itself. The only difference between me and the average christian, is that i don't waste my time praying to… who exactly? and I dont waste my Sundays in Church. As for the rest, you will never see me stray from the path of decency, and that is not the monopoly of Christiandom, although, they are probably the best at laying it out for its people.

  12. It sounded like Dawkins knew he was on the border of getting labeled an "-ist" with those Muslim comments and was trying to tip toe around it

  13. When has America or the West been a Christian society? Doing imperialism, colonialism of britan, genocide of the natives, slavery, jim crow segregation, non-stop unjust wars via the deep state the last 500 years, cia assinating leaders of other countries, constantly interfering with the other nations and unjustly killing their people, prison industrial complex, passing abortin and gay rights, it goes on and on. This country has never been a Christian country. This country has been a lot of things but as of right now its secular and most Christians are cultural Christians at best. They CINO. Christians in name only. The bible/torah are way harsher on gay people than the quran. The quran says being gay is not the sin but acting on it is. The bible/torah says gays should be killed. Look, I think secularism is correct but a strong traditional respect for family is needed. I think a religious mandated society is dangerous because the elites can easily manipulate people with it. It should be a personal thing. With that being said, Dawkins argument is disingenuous. The only reason a Christian society is better in his opinion is because the West is secular and thats really his argument.

    However, when you measure who has the higher ground "morally" the question is, which society has been the most moral?…. If you measure the amount of "evil" this govt has done in our name in the west vs what Iranian govt has done, (for example) Iran would easily have the moral high ground as well as many Islamic nations. So, is America or the West better because Dawkins is European and he's only looking at this society from his perspective but not all the people who suffered at its hands. With that being said, I'm for a secular society with a strong respect for traditional values and common sense. But when we compare society we need to be fair and objective – and compare apples to apples and this argument has to consider a lot of factors.

  14. I don't think combating him on this is a good idea, as Atheists already seem to support "Multiculturalism" which is destroying what little is left of Christianity in North America and Western Europe.

    Might be worth adding tinder to that spark he's lit.

  15. What a hypotic! Bible and torah condoms gays and says men are over women but this zoologist picks one over other yet both have same belief. What a 🤡

  16. Easter and Christmas are pagan celebrations, they are nothing to do with Christianity. They were stolen, like how Mohammed stole the Kabba. Without Christianity we would still be celebrating these traditions, why are rabbits and eggs part of a Christian celebration?? Your celebrating the pagan god Eostre. Goddess of fertility, hence the rabbits and eggs.

  17. Cultural Christians are unsaved, they are unrepentant souls, they are witlessly and ignorantly following tradition. Christians are repentant souls (they believe God and act upon that belief). So, expressions like Cultural Christian and Christain Nationalist are meaningless.

  18. You don't get what he said and also you stated what he didn't mean it.
    He didn't say that Christian culture can be established without Christianity.
    He grew up in a Christian society and he took traditons of it.
    Basically he talks about philosophy, human creates cultures and we as humans are not natural being we are cultural being.
    So, Dawkings performs Christian traditions in his daily life.
    I am an ex-muslim and I'm also still a muslim culturally.
    I say in daily life "Inshallah, Mashallah etc", I celebrate people' religios holidays.
    I am a culturally muslim in that regard, but I don't believe Muhammed and Allah.
    Hoping this helps.

    BTW, Christianity is a religion but Islam is beyond a religion, Islam is an ideology, it orders that to fight with all non- believers until they accept Islam.

  19. You really hit the nail on the head with churches these days. My childhood church is unbelievably ugly now. It may be beautiful aesthetically from the outside, and inside we have a STUNNING organ…. But the organ sits there gathering dust with no organist to play it and our choir was replaced by some hippy playing the acoustic guitar. It’s heartbreaking.

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