MAGA Man Chooses Trump Over Truth, We Take Him To Class


A Pennsylvania conservative shockingly supports Donald Trump, blasting Joe Biden’s alleged corruption, while conveniently ignoring Trump’s mountain of charges. Jayar Jackson breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

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  1. Presidents fought both World Wars, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. and no immunity! President has lawyers who are there to guide him in performing his duties while withholding the law and constitution.

  2. It's funny how the cult will say Biden is corrupt. Then there's Trump going to all theses trials and being charged with criminal activity. With his own Republicans and picks

  3. America Has become A disappointment! I didn’t think White Maga America are complicit to all of Trumps immoral criminal corrupt ways and they all act like they don’t see it or pretending they don’t know he’s a foul disgusting con man!

  4. 45 saying it has nothing to do with me. IT IS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH HIM. He is the first pres to be indited and stand trial . Hence is conspiring to dream up the immunity crap to save his butt and get out of his charges.

  5. Biden's blind loyalty to Israel is a problem. However, everthing Trump is a problem. Not a single strand of good in him. Absolutely perfectly BAD!

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