Noam Chomsky On Biden’s Presidency (So Far)


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Although left-wing author Noam Chomsky has often been highly critical of the Democratic Party over the years — including President Joe Biden — he was hoping for a Biden victory in the 2020 presidential election and warned that then-President Donald Trump would become even more dangerous if he won a second term. Chomsky, now 92, got his wish: Biden won, and Chomsky discussed some of the challenges of the Biden era during a March 15 interview with Alternative Radio’s David Barsamian.

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  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can't tell if you've got balls the size of a basketball, or if you're just a ninny. LOL It's fucking UNCLE NOAM, DUDE! You think maybe you know BETTER? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha He was expecting a lower bar than Obama. That aint saying much.

  2. I agree with Kyle. Noam may have a more impressive intellect than most humans including Kyle, doesn't mean he can't ever be wrong. I think Noam is wrong to not point out these simple things Kyle pointed out. Been real disappointed in Chomsky lately.

  3. This could have been a 3 minute segment, with exactly the same info. Imho only the last minute has some density of information and a train of thought that is going at a pleasant speed.
    Apparently Kyle had high expectations of Biden's presidency and Chomsky expected much less, that would be my summary of this video. I have very low expectations of Biden, don't regard him as progressive or someone who likes to ruffle a few feathers to make significant changes.

    With almost a million subscribers to this channel, why namedrop Chomsky and complain about his lack of critique, when you have a good platform / following to make strong arguments for significant change yourself? Is there for example an ST show countering the 'equality argument' that forgiving student debt for those who haven't paid it off, would be unfair to those who have?

    I'm not disagreeing with the good intentions here, or the point that Biden could have done more. Yet this seems like by-proxy criticism whereas tough and direct discussion (with less repetition) of the policies would have been more interesting to me.

  4. Chomsky harsh on Biden on foreign policy and Afghanistan/, That part was mostly censored out of the MSNBS interview. Poor Mohammad got scared he will be fired for airing Chomsky anti-imperialist opinion.

  5. If you don't think Bidens shoes better for America than Trump you are stupid
    and much better than obama
    If Naom Chomsky say you are good
    Thats can be translated to you are fucking good
    By the way Biden did not bomb syria
    Biden bomb An Iraqi militia kills the Syrian people
    and the magorty of the Syrian people more than happy about that

  6. "They" have the ability to reform or abolish the filibuster. Biden isn't "they." The Senate has to do that on their own, and there just isn't enough support for that in the Democratic party yet.

  7. Biden has been more progressive than I expected and that’s definitely a pleasant surprise. Could he do more, of course, but I’ll take the wins where we can get them.

  8. The idiot Biden IS actually continuing Trump policies, where he has deviated, he has created a world of shit, and he knows it. His party is trying to ram all the crap they can quickly before the midterms, when Republican control is pretty much guaranteed in the House & Senate, and Pelosi etc KNOW IT.

  9. I wish you would have a conversation debating this issue and many others with Noam Chomsky. I realize that may seem unfeasible for several reason, but please do it! It would be so interesting, two great minds.

  10. About 12 years ago Chomsky started becoming a vocal supporter of democrats. Before he was a fierce critic of both parties and the establishment as a whole. I think it’s because Chomsky wants to be lionized when he passes and remembered as the great intellectual he is. He recognizes that if you criticize the system and don’t have any allegiance to it, the system will demonize you any way it can.

  11. I don't blame Noah Chomsky for thinking this. The democrats tell you that the republicans still run things and the republicans tell you that republicans still run things and always will, "get used it". I didn't realize that Biden could do a lot more until you mentioned it, kyle

  12. People have no reading comprehension. If your expectations amount to zero, anything is a pleasant surprise. Yet people are malding over an esteemed academic more well-read and intelligent than the combination of all of us, including Kyle.

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