A ‘Mornings with Maria’ panel reacts to a federal appeals court blocking a Texas law that would allow the state to arrest illegal migrants who breach the border and discuss an Illinois judge ruling that illegal migrants have gun rights.
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If illegals can carry guns felons can to legally
Remove the activist judge.
I have no problem with the constitution being applied to those who enter the country legally,
The Constitution is for LEGAL CITIZENS! So tired of the Woke agenda!
Everything is going according to plan.
The fact that they said the can carry without being Americans and then try to take Americans guns is a f***ing oximoron
You need a background check to own a gun how are these people doing to get a background check ?
You people are watching your country being dismantled by a traitorous administration in real-time BTW.
Do not listen to this man sitting third to the right.
The judicial system and government is being ran by DEMONS…..
I didn't know that the American Bill of Rights were written for people from other countries…. my bad.
ATTENTION ALL AMERICANS !! Your enemy is now armed…. and approved by YOUR government. Too bad, there are millions of them…. good luck to your family.
Well what do you think. Obama put her in the office. Look at every office he appointed someone too.
2:52 This only applies to US CITIZENS. Simply entering into the USA does NOT give you rights! Simply entering into the USA does NOT make you a US citizen.
These are NOT separate issues!
Might as well let felons carry guns to now too
By this time, you're yes should be open, WOKE UP!!
People, you news people are soo blind, when the illegals start attacking you probably will WOKE Up
So your saying that you support Illegal immigration for illegal immigrants then support and support illegal migrants to obtain a firearm.. So what you’re saying is you support CRIMINALS to have a Firearm including those who are here incarcerated??
So she just gave all the foriegn criminal ILLEGALS gang members and terriosts the constitional right to posses guns while they restrict American citizens rights.
Let them in. Hell, invite them in. Then arm them. What could possibly go wrong. Nothing, if that's the plan. And that's the plan.
Definitely this judge doesn’t care about our country.
These migrants carrying illegal guns in New York robbing and hurting American citizens…democrats are done in my mind!
Country is done for
Arrest the judge and Biden in the same cell.
If they can then all Americans can
wow americans are crazy…
This is a clear indication. That Obama‘s intention was never for the benefit of the citizens of the United States of America. His agenda was a dark and diabolic agenda with his persuasive tongue. He captured many peoples attention to believe in his speech. Now everything is coming to light. it’s up to the citizens of the United States of America, and pray for this country and cast out the devil that’s behind all this.
I'm sick and tired of Brandon and all his foolishness .If you're not a United States citizens the Constitution doesn't apply to you. Meaning you have no right to have a gun.
Trump 2024
Is illegal against the law or not
It is absolutely an invasion of the United States!! Ushered in by our own sitting government. It is insane and disgusting. Every single one of us should be vocally standing against this.
Democrats = Demons
What kind of judge gives this kind of right to this trash pouring into our country .
SInce they are here they are still fking illegal. Therfor the laws of the land are not applied. Who the fk said this. Remove them from power. They are a threat to national security ( wait we stopped having that after 911)
But he wanted yours.
They are really doing everything they can mess this country up before Trump comes back
Back to the Wild West . Immigrants to take over lands belonging to naturalist Americans …..
This seems like nothing could ever go wrong.
This government is arming the illegals to go to war against US citizens folks.
If you are illegal you just committed a crime
the bill of rights pertain to legal american citizens, not immigrants coming in illegally! what morons run this
Entering this country illegally is a felony felons are not allowed to own firearms
Well I guess since they made that decision. I'm sure they can further make those laws harder to carry. Could say they are allowed to carry guns if they register them first. But when they go to register them, just deport them so it makes it impossible for them to carry legally.
Remember, Obama is good friends with P. Diddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can be allowed by the constitution, but in reality illegals are not allowed to carry firearms in lawfully way.
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