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John Locke who was a Quaker and his work greatly influenced the Constitution and founding of the US, he felt it was very, very important to state the government and church should be kept separated
There Is NO GUARANTEE OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH, in the bible……….SECOND AMENDMENT either, matter of fact.
Most of the founding fathers were not in fact Christian. A not insignificant portion of our founders were deists. The Constitution is not a Christian document, and I can prove it. If it’s a Christian document, setting up a Christian nation, then why did they never mention Jesus, of even “god” by name? The purposely used “creator” and stayed away from dogmatic terms because they were trying to ensure that they were creating a nation for all religions to be practiced peacefully.
Born & Raised to be 'maga'.
Abandoned them in later years; The way they ALCOHOLICALLY abandoned me in my youth, in the name of their stupid-version-of-god.
(The founders WERE KKKNOT christians, specifically.) – These kind of Personalities/Only, make me sick.
None of these maga maggots could recite anything from the Bible or the constitution that they claim to love so much , America is the only country I've been to where ignorance is celebrated!! Americans act like education and logic are poison, it's infuriating as hell and so pitiful, get ready my fellow libs , the orange clown about to wreck the country we all genuinely love
The unerring need to be right will keep some folks perpetually wrong.🫤
I believe religion is a cult
Saddles thing to ever happen to a brain: being convinced your feelings are facts
We have to stop the trumpski insurrection 🎉 the idiot wants to give these Christians clubs along with their guns to go out and beat people that don't believe in what they do 🎉 but their belief is a bunch of crap they don't even believe in Jesus they believe in a fake Idol 🎉 they are truly Nazis that trying to overthrow our government and have a fake Messiah as king 👑 we have to permanently install separation of church and state and forbid churches from getting involved with politics 🎉 otherwise they lose their tax exempt !!! because the creators of the Constitution knew this was going to happen and guess what it is ❤ it says one nation under God but it doesn't say what God !!! the other God is not God God is out of God God God God God God what the hell is wrong with these people ??? A bunch of morons 😢❤
Yeah my GDM Q neighbors have there GDM unifkncorn and looks like Mars, outer space 🪐 with all thete lights and 100’s of wind chimes , they had a ForSale sign on there house because I play basketball 🏀 once n awhile normally like a person does for an hour once n awhile , they call police etc etc because the ball and bouncing drives them crazy
What a bunch of jerks , they call cops on me for anything it’s so stupid , the police are so red neck Republican Trum supporters it’s a bad situation, lots of blood and broken bones 🦴 it’s getting worse n worse the violence
"Think of how it all started: America was founded by slave owners who informed us, "All men are created equal." All "men," except Indians, n*****, and women. Remember, the founders were a small group of unelected, white, male, land-holding slave owners who also, by the way, suggested their class be the only one allowed to vote. To my mind, that is what's known as being stunningly–and embarrassingly–full of shit." George Carlin
Theyre starting to say the quiet part out loud. They basically want a christo-fascist state.
For some people, religion is just a magic act. They want something to be a certain way and God, somehow, makes that happen for them. In their world, David Copperfield actually made the Statue Of Liberty disappear.
This is becoming embarassing.
Oh no sir. It's been embarrassing for quite some time now.
I disagree. You can kinda go back with oppressive laws and the termination of secular education.
He’s not fully read the bible
Unbelievable, this MAGA pack isn't afraid to instrumentalize faith? They are like a "boil" that their "surgeon" "Mr. Trump" wants to turn into a nationwide "cancer"!!!?! Stop these undemocrats who are obviously more or less infected by it. And MTG Trumps Coffee Girl one of the worst 🤡
VOTE bl💙e to whas them away and keep the faith on Place were it must be! 💙💙💙🗽🇺🇸🕶 Biden/Harris united
omg this guy sounds A LOT like David Schwimmer
embryo does NOT equate to a baby!
The cognitive dissonance is sickening. Humans are so easy to control.
Every religion says their God is the only God. Their way is the only way to heaven. Catholics taught me that Jews couldn't get into heaven. Jesus Christ was a Jew. I'd rather spend eternity in hell with him.
The founding fathers were not all Christian’s as we would call them today. Not all Americans are the same Religion. What about the Jewish people, or the Buddhist people or the Hindi people or the Bahai Faith or the Unitarian Life Church. Are they all just supposed to pray to your god now? Is that the new America that these people are thinking is going to develop under Trump’s Authoritarian regime. One nation under Trump and drink your Trump-aid. Not on my watch. You best come with a big lunch because I get hungry after reeducation.😂 Get some.
Young impressionable minds need to be inoculated from indoctrination with a high quality education system.
It's somewhat ironic that this brainwashed victim can otherwise live and function normally except for anti religious reasoning and the brain virus requiring sustenance at the local church.
The Founding Fathers didn’t pledge allegiance, and the “One nation under god” was only added in 1954. These people really ought to read a bit of history.
Well Djt has no morals or values other than the almighty dollar and a……Conniving mind!
MAGA republic is parallel with NAZI fascism
The MAGA men are always the bearded, unkempt, disheveled looking guys
If you only allow Christians to practice Religion, what prevents the Government from determining the “Right” Christianity to practice and persecute the “Wrong” kind of Christianity?
My mom is 87 and went to public schools, I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters, I’m the youngest we have never said prayer in school. My father was Greek Orthodox and went to a private school through the church and yeah he had prayer lol not public schools! Prayers in schools are for private church schools as it should be.
This guy takes his own wellbeing as well as his life every time he makes one of these videos.
They are the stupidest humans on earth, MAGA IDIOTS!!
America can be SO weird! (Relax, i know it's not all of you)
Most of our founders were Freemason AKA Illuminati,It was Christian Nationalist,that became Hitler's Nazi's
What can I say dumb people love dumb people!!
If God was pro life explain to me why in the animal kingdom many mothers kill their young that are unfit or excessive births.
Many other religions have been around before Christianity and they do not force it down your throat like the Christians did since it has started. See the Crusades, approximately 1.7 million people died as a result of the Crusades. So Christians are murderers. If you do not follow the christian religion you are not worth living according to these people. My way or the highway. And you wonder why people can not get along in our world it is religion.
The woman complaining about sin should take a serious look at the sins of who she wants as her leader. Trump who will hump anything. Latest trial shows this. And there is more I could give you.
People can have morals & values without religion. 🙄
That is hi-larious!!
They can't spit out lies fast enough!
I was taught to love another as I have love you. These words came from the Bible and from Jesus Crist I was raised in the church and I am 74 years old. Not the same Bible Trump is selling! Thanks for letting me vent!
“Ahh’d ask ferit duh be ruh-mooved. Were bleevers.”
Bad education system and low education standards = these people.
I don't think it is a good idea to ask these people such questions and proof them e.g. that satanism is also a religion. With this snobish, dialctic attitude and looking down on them you make them even more stick to MAGA. They are with MAGA because they feel underpirviledged compared to many intelligent and eloquent people. I think it would be wiser to try to understand them and why they are with MAGA and then try to expose the lies they believe in.
Funny thing: crime has gone way DOWN in the US in the past couple of decades. Still want to connect that statistic to the absence of prayer in schools?
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