Pence: ‘Fundamentals Of This Economy Are Strong’ | Meet The Press | NBC News


Vice President Mike Pence joins Meet the Press to talk about the government’s response to the coronavirus and fears in the stock market.» Subscribe to NBC News:
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Pence: ‘Fundamentals Of This Economy Are Strong’ | Meet The Press | NBC News



  1. Why is it that noboby in Trumps admin can anwser a question without praising him? Pence looks like death warmed over – it's sad….he's got one foot on a bananna peel & the other in the grave. Pence will find out the HARD WAY just like everyone else – he'll (Pence) find out when Trump throws him under the BUS because there is nobody left. Then I'd like to read Pences" book after the fact & he & Trump set ways so he (Pence once again) is free of the TRUMP…..then we'll hear the truth.

  2. lmao its funny Chuck todd asks for an example of this virus being politicized.. Pence says well there was a journalist in the New York Times that says this should be called the Trump virus.. and as Pence goes on to further .. Chck is trying to cut him off the entire time… So much for being a journalist and asking a question and actually listening to the entire answer instead of trying to spew your own opinion.. journalists are so self important these days.

  3. What's the problem.. with getting money out to the people… oh I know.. you already bailed out stock market.. NO MORE.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! 😡😡😡😡😡 WE NEED MONEY NOW! YOU SELFISH F…ERS..YOU HAVE FAILED THE PEOPLE! HOW LONG TIL WE REVOLT!⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

  4. BS, good economy. Why lower interest rates then. Stock markets good why print more money for the banks to invest in it then. They are lier's funneling money to banks.


    of course with instructions that the puppy should not be eaten. KAG

  6. The fundamentals haven't been strong since manufacturing was off shored a little bit at a time, starting decades the US is a consumer nation . and a nation of people who have slave money (Debt) but a lot of people couldn't get their hands on 500 dollars without borrowing it.

  7. Not strong. The Chinese have all the manufacturing for drugs and medical supplies. Store shelves are already empty of basics like soap and TP.. I couldn't order masks online because they are not available. Is any of the 8 billion appropriation going to help the average person with these things? I doubt it.

  8. "The fundamentals of this economy are strong." That's code for, the government will bailout any corporate executives, businesses and billionaires they see fit to bail out.

  9. Mike Dense – I'll say anything to make Trump happy. I'll even lie and cheat and go against all that my religion dictates for Trump. For me, Trump trumps God and country …

  10. I love how you have all these people in the comments section who quote someone from the past who's opinion ended up being wrong think there justified. You can literally find a quote from someone in the past to fit any scenario you like because its all human nature. Its all happened before. Just with different people in different times under different circumstances. The point im making is this. I do not believe a quote from a person in history can at all justify a persons view on something but only amplify there beliefs.

  11. This is exactly false and NBC is engaged in deceitful propaganda to pretend otherwise.

    The global banking system is on the verge of collapse. The US stock market is priced way above reasonable earnings. The Fed is printing money by the tens of billions Every Day, and the US government cannot make its debt payments any longer. The next crash is on the horizon and will be much worse than 2008.

    We are at the end of another huge bubble when the so called elites have to work overtime to keep people stupid as long as possible before it all comes crashing down .

  12. Chuck Todd is ignorant he won't let somebody finish their sentence when he asked him a question. And then he answers it with a derogatory statement. These idiots make it seem like it's easy to be a leader of a country in A state of emergency I would say the president is doing the best he can under the circumstances and then you have all these Democrats being critical of his every move. There's not a person on earth that could handle this perfectly.

  13. war criminals Bushy and McStain said this before the last crash. They think we are all stupid. They didn't fix anything after 2008, just blew the biggest debt bubble in human history to protect the rich few while the masses lost trillions in wealth. Debt has reached saturation point. be prepared for ANYTHING.

  14. The same people who are freaking out over the corona virus, are the morons who walk around in public coughing and sneezing without covering their mouth. dumbasses lol

  15. Oh yes, that $23 TRILLION National Debt (not counting unfunded liabilities) underlying our economic foundation is quite strong. Google: How many years in one trillion seconds and be amazed!

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