Republicans pull INSANE stunt at US Supreme Court


Democracy Watch episode 95: Marc Elias discusses Kari Lake & Mike Lindell’s insane stunt regarding the US Supreme Court.


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  1. You cannot moderate your view when you believe your cause is righteous and that god is on your side. They will never moderate. They will never let go of trump. Trump will abandon his followers when they are no longer useful. They will never let go of trump because they need him to validate their fan-fiction view of reality. I no longer believe in providence but it is tempting to believe that trump was sent to destroy the gop.

  2. I don't want to make any assumptions about Mark's or Brian's upbringing. I do, however, want to bring my personal insight as an current atheist/ex-christian/ ex-conservative. These people are gown-ass adults who believe in the literal truth in fairy tales. This is why they are so prone to believing in conspiracy theories. I think you underestimate their ability for mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance to get to the conclusion that the fairy tale mandates. This is a two edge sword. The more reality intrudes on their fantasy, they more twisted their world view becomes, and the more dangerous they become. But it also causes them to expose their true selves. There is no need to keep the quiet part quiet when you think your cause is righteous and that god is on your side. Our job is to continue to expose them whenever they say the quiet part out loud. We must do this without normalizing them. When we do that we win because the majority will reject them every time.

  3. Are you kidding me all the dumb shit that the Biden family has done and you guys are laughing like like this is something new for either side.
    And the media like this one sided show is a joke
    You should all do one more show and quit

  4. Why haven't these Morons been slapped with the Vexatious Litigant Label by the Courts?

    As far as I understand it, if the Courts them Vexatious Litigants, then they can't file any more Lawsuits without the Courts Permission which, since all their Lawsuits are Frivolous and/or Fraudulent, the Court would never grant which means, these Fanatical Trumpist MAGAits would be stopped dead in their tracks…

  5. America is operating along the principles of a Disney cartoon where the impossible IS possible and reality is considered an illusion.
    Sure, you can laugh now, but in no more than 15 years we will learn that this will be grim reality.
    Don't think so? Give it time. And here is why: Our "everyday values". We have none. We're at the Mall, "buying crap we don't need on credit to impress people we don't like". Will Rogers realized that almost one hundred years ago and people thought it was a great line. Now it's ever more a great truth.
    You cannot simply look at political developments and "what politicians do", one has to consider what the 'values' of society in general are. They suck. We don't have values andmoral codes. We have 'lawyer's codes', stuff that's decided by law dogs and the Justice Cartel, hair splitting competitions, but zero moral foundations. Anymore it doesn't matter much, if one chooses blue or red, both sides operate by principles of consumption, a most stupid and destructive O.M.
    And as usual, we're encouraged to "make things right at the ballot box". Right, blame the whole failure on the voter. Those in high places will laugh all the way to the bank as usual and America will hit a new low point. Watch it happen.

  6. This Horrible a man who has all these charges can also have people in charee to Do Dictorship.and Dis Respect the whole ciountry wihole country with ciruption and sit back allowing everything in our constitution and people all over the world to sit and watch this mzn l make our ciuntry look Awful. This is a Shame hiw do these people sleep at night …and nit do anything..

  7. What do you want to bet trump will "win" this sham election? The court cases are a complete joke, any verdict with any weight will be dismantled by his thoroughly stacked deck. The Kid Glove Democrats and especially your own PRESIDENT are toothless barking dogs that get hamstrung and smacked on the nose at every single turn with minimal effort by the guffawing opposition, every last system that holds any clout has been bought from the FBI to the supreme court. Evidently money and widespread corruption will always win over following the rules and crossing ones fingers for a correct and just outcome. Trump is the ultimate definition of what is the disgusting "American Dream" which is basically "screw over anyone for a dollar or a position of power". Fasten your seat-belts America.

  8. We arr seeing the two tier Justice system right now with the Appeals Court reducing which tRump has to come up with to appeal the case in NY. Cutting it almost by half.😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬

  9. If there is so much voter fraud then every Republican that has been elected to any office across the US since the Trump election failure, then maybe all those Repubs were fraudulantly voted in so we need to remove them all, right!?
    According to Lake and Lindel logic anyone voted into office via a voter machine were voted in fraudulently. Oh sorry i forgot that only applies to Democrats right!?

  10. The more important question is why do you think these people are bringing crazy lunacy to the Supreme Court ? Because they know the Corruption within the Court ! So they figured we have a green light just like Trump and company ! The Supreme Court has changed for the absolute worst! And these people are aware of this fact !

  11. They knew this wouldn’t work. Thats why they did it. They know they have nothing so there’s no fear of looking like a fool in court with bs. Sets them up to say “SEE! THEY won’t even see the evidence! They won’t listen! I’m a victim!”

  12. If Kari's political career tanks, I see her future in acting. If Hollywood ever remakes Fatal Attraction, Karis is a shoe in for Glen Close's character Alex because she's just that crazy!!

  13. If you. Are all about democracy then cover it in a responsible manner. Both republican and Democrat. Not just bash one political party. You have no credibility with your current mode!!!

  14. Nothing the right does is insane. It is calculated. It keeps winning. Sometimes its a slow chip over decades…look at education. Other times its a strong blow…Patriot Act. They are winning legislatures state by state, slowly but surely, then fixing the maps and courts. They often love to throw it in our faces to show everyone that right, wrong, good, bad…doesnt matter, Americans will lay down, turn on the tv and just take it.

  15. I am 71 years old and have been saying most of my life that I cannot understand why the Supreme Court isn't elected to term limits. It's mind boggling to me, especially today.

  16. For people wondering why Arizona can't provide results on Election Day, it's mostly due to mail-in ballots (and I am NOT advocating that we get rid of them or change the policies). Voters can turn their mail-in ballots in right up to the point when polls close on Election Day. Then they have 5 business days to "cure" any mail-in ballots that have issues (no signature or signature doesn't match, or other missing information). Since Veteran's Day typically falls within that curing period, it means we can't provide a complete vote count until at least a week after Election Day. In 2024, it will be Wednesday, November 13. For some very strange reason, many people wait until the last day or two before submitting their mail-in ballots. I don't know why.

  17. Lived in AZ for 22 years. Always used mail-in ballots due to work schedule (never knew when I’d be out of town). I never had a problem with it and felt confident that my vote was counted.

  18. 10:00 you're missing the most insidious part of their plan: they bring in an army of Republicans to hand count the ballots. people who, themselves, are politically affiliated with, and paid by, the republicans… and who have a vested interest in the republicans winning.

    they'd also only have to do that and "win" once or twice before they could switch to full-on Putin/Xi/Un voting where they win with 100% of the votes, announced minutes after the "polls" close.

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