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“The first time I ever really listened to Kyle Kulinski’s show was in the back of a cab last summer. The driver had his phone hooked up through the stereo and was pumping out an episode through the car speakers — loudly, as if looking to convert a captive audience.
“Do you like Kyle Kulinski?”
The driver, Ahmed, was a recent immigrant and apparently a die-hard fan of Secular Talk, the political talk show that Kulinski broadcasts on YouTube. I told him, yes, in fact. I do like Kulinski, had come across his show several years ago, and, all things considered, he seemed pretty good.
“He understands what we’re up against,” Ahmed said. “Like Bernie.”
But I was surprised to hear Kulinski’s name mentioned in the same breath as Bernie Sanders, particularly with such adoration. Because what I did remember about Kulinski’s show struck me as mostly capital-P “progressive” takes on the news — the left wing of the Netroots crowd more than the democratic socialism Sanders has popularized.
It’s an impression that wasn’t entirely incorrect.
“I have no time for philosophical, airy bullshit,” Kulinski tells me from his home in Westchester, New York. “I don’t want to hear about Lenin. I don’t want to hear about Marx. I just want a super plainspoken, straightforward agenda with a straightforward way of selling it.”
With over 800,000 subscribers and nearly 670 million total views on YouTube, selling a progressive agenda is clearly something Kulinski knows how to do — even Democracy Now, the long-standing flagship of progressive media, cannot match his reach on the platform. Chapo Trap House can certainly boast a wildly devoted fan base (and a not insignificant degree of media influence), but their audience is roughly half the size of Kulinski’s.
While Secular Talk might be more likely to be looped in with the progressive networks around Air America and Pacifica alums like Sam Seder than the more resolutely socialist world, Kulinski’s fiery rhetoric, razor-sharp class instincts, and knack for withering takedowns sets him apart from his peers. Judging by his rhetoric alone, he’s closer to a Eugene Debs than a Chris Hayes.
But unlike Hayes, Amy Goodman, or his friend Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks — who began airing Secular Talk on his web network seven years ago — the thirty-two-year-old Kulinski is virtually invisible in the mainstream media. Despite his enormous fan base, his show has never once been mentioned in the obligatory trend pieces on “the Millennial Left” pumped out by the prestige media. Nor has Kulinski’s name ever popped up at all in the New York Times, Vox, the New Yorker, New York Magazine, or the Washington Post, despite his leading role in cofounding Justice Democrats, the organization widely credited with sweeping Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of “the Squad” to power.
Just last week, his Wikipedia page was deleted. The reason? “There is very simply no [reliable source] coverage of this person,” according to one moderator. In new media, he’s king — the Sean Hannity of the Berniecrat left. In old media, he’s nobody.
I suspect there are a few reasons for that. There is nothing “cool” about Kulinski’s show. (As a friend put it, “‘Welcome to Secular Talk’ sounds like something you’d hear on Egyptian radio.”) His no-nonsense social-democratic politics won’t get him much cred with the Full Communism crowd. He records his show not in Brooklyn or Los Angeles, but in a studio he built himself in his modest Westchester home. His hair is too groomed and his taste in clothes too preppy to qualify as “Dirtbag Left.” Nor has he ever attended an n+1 release party. “Not only have I not attended one,” he says, “I have no idea what that means.”
And yet he’s astonishingly plugged-in for a young man in the suburbs. Wondering how Sanders ended up on the Joe Rogan Experience? Kulinski, a frequent guest on Rogan’s wildly popular show, introduced them. “You make the most sense to me,” Rogan told Kulinski on a recent episode. “You’re a normal person.”
Much like Sanders himself, Kulinski’s show has a massive audience that just doesn’t compute with our media’s understanding of “what the kids want” or even “what the left-wing kids want.”
It’s probably for the best — the very woke and very WASP-ish decorum haunting much of the media world is nowhere to be found in Secular Talk. “Corporate Democrats over-focus on identity as a trick to divert you from the issues that unite us all — class issues,” he said on a recent episode.
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I don't support Hamas. I have serious issues with Gazan society including homophobia and misogyny.
I don’t support Is.rael and their campaign of eth.nic clean.sing and geno-side.
I try to express that on FB and YT and I get sus.pended, hence the grammer. Z-nists don't want a platform that allows Free Speech, and they own a lot of politicians.
Undressing a well dressed lie
Know this, USA doesn't support Universal healthcare because that would include Black people.
Why cause harm to the majority so the few will be excluded.
In is why Medicare covers 80% and 20% is individual responsibility.
Remember Kyle said: You are objectively wrong if you like fall and you should be ashamed of yourself….
End money in politics! This is why they didn’t want Marianne Williamson or Burnie Sanders as President, they want the status quo and to keep the Oligarchy
So glad I am not an American. 🇨🇦🍉🇵🇸
God bless America…the land of the broke and censored 🙄
Sad !
trump = biden
Taxes are a scam. That’s why only the poor are required to pay them.
Izzy has free heath care
Rename Tictoc or replace it with a new thing called FOFFElites
You sound just like a communist
It’s an act of treason. Must go to Supreme Court to stop all this nonsense
What they are saying is they only want propaganda. They want to control our minds. Don’t give in.😮
Well that’s dumb, if TikTok is banned another app will simply take its place. This ban will solve nothing. It’s not like you ban TikTok and all of a sudden young people will become more right wing LOL. The last gasp of a generation losing power.
Supporting HAMAS? What a liar.
But people still voting the trash in office on both sides..
How is your minimum wage is shit going on in California? It only benefits big companies closing down small businesses
Hasn't this country become a mess? Totally appalling! And most things our leaders tell us are lies or propaganda! The question is, have we had enough?
Tik Tok ban is because China if more free when it comes to IP and not putting up with DCRM nonsense.
Elites drank the coolaid of thinking that if they can force something to be true in the digital world, like snapchat timed photos, then it can automatically make it true in the real physical world (as if Polaroid doesn’t exist).
And let's just ignore for now how there was barely even a peep about how snapchat was used by underage folks.
Meanwhile, covid pushed everyone online to try and strong arm this online or irrelevant perspective even with out internet access, a website, even a phone number is still not a basic public service / public good provided with a birth certificate / citizenship.
Dinosaur cable companies, cell companies, heck land line companies still leaching off of being alive when the internet was invented and putting public debt on the youth. Electric power is a public utility, but as soon as that electricity is turned into data and internet electricity the cable companies can price gouge along parallel line? Ridiculous.
Then on top of that, you have AIs data mining whenever a private citizen comes up with a new idea, then they give that idea to a company in china for 20 years divided by the chance and cost of you suing until your rights to claim the license expires.
Justice Ruth Bater Gainsbourg called patents an "embarrassment," presumably because it meant that there was so little upward mobility and opportunity in America that applying for one meant that an entrepreneur had to get daddy government to hold their hand for them to make the product profitable.
Nowadays, the vast majority of patents are from patent trolls, artists are still strong armed by industry insiders, and monopolies effectively prevent anyone from even competing in industries where the natural barriers of entry are virtually non existent like online services, software, and social media.
Look at how the advertising cartel strong arms Twitter into compliance when the richest person in the world buys it. Funny how that "if you don't like it make your own Twitter" argument died real fast.
Tik Tok is being attacked because China has become a more free country in this regard ever since companies like Google and Facebook have been allowed to buy up all of the competition like YouTube and Instagram instead of actually innovating. Them then using their monopolies to slow down progress, remove features, and increase costs in terms of user data and competitive opportunities is evidence that they are monopolies that need to be broken up.
Highly misinformed. TikTok was almost banned as far back as trumps presidency and it was always about data mining. Using the gaza issue as some sort of censorship crusade is just undermining the atrocities those people are facing and making your own grievances more important than theirs. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, stop talking about it.
And Nicki Haley wants to extend the age of retirement to 70 so one can get it and our dear congress will pass that law because they get along to pass anything against us but when it's about some benefit for us they are always disagreeing. Hum very interesting.
We all must move to Israel because they're sending our money over there, so they get medical insurance and retirement and our families can't enjoy those privileges. Hey that's what some people want and support, while we pay higher taxes and prices for everything so we all enjoy this huge and great inflation. Thank you Mr Biden and our dear and reelected congress.
God awful
rather than say "pro-Palestine" just say anti-genocide. then no can get all upset.
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