SHOCKING Criminal Charges Against Trump PAC Announced


MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on a bipartisan Wisconsin ethics committee recommending criminal charges against Donald Trump’s PAC and others for money laundering in connection with the 2022 election.

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  1. The Egyptians used to strike out the names of previous rulers. Usually as a way to steal their glory. As tempting as that would be once Trump is actually gone, I would prefer we keep the history and deport his sorry arse to North Korea while removing all his wealth remaining and removing his citizenship. No one that tries this hard to overthrow our country has a right to be here.

  2. What about Zukerman and facebook? How many millions did he give to the democratic election committees in the last presidential race. We understand that all the millions. Given to them was broken down and passed around to the county election offices and those that worked in them to gather up ballots, help people fill them out and even stuff in ballot boxes paid fo and put all over counties to put the ballots in. Doing this door to door no less. But, they were all getting paid generously by zukerman to canvas, etc. ESPICALLY RETIREMENT HOMES, HOSPITALS,ASSISTED CARE VILLAGES, ETC. tell us this isnt corrupt and fraudulant right!

  3. Yeah, the investigator in Wisconsin, Michael Gabelman, a former State Supreme Court member, cost the taxpayers nearly $1 million in his nefarious scheme “investigating” the elections. It stunk then, and the odor still lingers. Attorney General Josh Kaul is the son of a former State Attorney General. He knows his stuff. As usual, dumpty is lying through his loose teeth. There was nothing to find, and Gabelman was fired.

  4. Ben why aren’t they locked up those people that attacked the Capitol are BUT not tiny and his henchmen? Doesn’t make any sense vote blue to keep that wanna be dictator out!!💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. oh no Mr. Bill the grift being exposed? you would not break the law for me so i will have my illegal bank fund someone to take your job. the clowns are so stupid they actually spell out the crime to the fools who then do it? duh…. must like signing your check to your attorney for hush money for a porn star and then taking a tax deduction claiming it was legal expenses.

  6. Sen Ron Johnson is up to his neck in shenanigans too. He also has something to do with sending the list of alternate electors on Jan 6. During the Ukraine extortion hearings one of the leading senators and his staff (don't recall the name) was said to have met with a foreign agent in Europe. It was also mentioned in the testimony that Ron Johnson was in the same area at the same time, allegedly "on vacation". (but then why did his staff also go alone?) Could it be that Ron Johnson was meeting with Russian agents too? This deserves more investigation.

  7. Trumps lawyers really don't care ,Trumps lawyers lie an don't care that they lie for Trump. TRUMPS LAWYERS LIE FOR TRUMP AND DONT CARE THAT SEVERAL POLICE OFFICERS WERE KILLED, AND TRUMP TRIED TO END DEMOCRACY. THEY REALLY DONT CARE.

  8. U guys are so desperately trying to win the election was stolen mark my words just like russian collusion and j6. Old joe isnt guilty of anything u wait till joe starts having charges against him.

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