Steve Schmidt Explains Why Trump & MAGA Republicans will UNLEASH “Tsunami” of Voters | The Warning


Trump & MAGA Republicans’ grand strategy has now backfired and they should expect a “tsunami” of voters turning out this November. That’s Steve Schmidt’s big miss of the week. Find out why a state dinner hosted by President Biden is the hit of the week.

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  1. While I know Steve Schmidt is desperate to save the Republican Party, I wonder exactly when he realized he and his Republican friends had fucked up and knew their political party was heading directly for an iceberg.

  2. I do not care This is about caucasian women. Being a black woman, white women do care about my health, So damn theirs. They don't give a damn about black babies so damn theirs. Sorry, that is how I feel. Let them save themselves if they can. Because I can't even get good health care because I am black. This is not an opinion, these are facts.

  3. Steve should be in the house! Hes right maga acts like they can disrupt womens lives and still retain their power which is impossible! They put the cart before the horse! Had they first repealed a womans right to vote before taking womens reproductive rights theyd have no problems getting reelected or if not no than less! Bye bye repubs! November will not be kind to u!

  4. There is no level to which the dead god cult won't sink. The fact that there are MAGA (not Republican) women never fails to amaze me. Against abortion? No problem. Don't have one. The time efficiency of christians always impresses me. They not only have time to manage their business but seem to have plenty of time to try to manage mine as well.

  5. trump and maga will unleash a Tsunami of Women voters in a blue tidal wave. Everyone that values Democracy, Freedom of Speech, Religion and Choice will be voting for Biden, not because he is the best but because trump and RFK are the choices for the Death of Democracy.

  6. Arizona republican party put out a plan today to put 2 more abortion ballot initiatives on the November election to confuse and for them make sure the current ballot initiative doesn't get 50% plus 1 vote. That way the 1860 law can stay in effect. The other initiatives are one is a 5 week ban with exceptions the other is a 14 week (says 15 but it isn't) with no exceptions. I have voted out as many as i can but still the crazy takes hold.

  7. The Republicans may be a joke, but they are a very dangerous joke. In 2016, the progressives took their marbles and went home because their Dear Leader (Bernie) did not win. Do it again and Trump will win again. Complacency and shortsightedness are the most dangerous threats to American democracy in this election.

  8. Fascism a cult of the leader who promises national restoration in the face of humiliation brought on by supposed communists, Marxists and minorities and immigrants who are supposedly posing a threat to the character and the history of a nation" and that "The leader proposes that only he can solve it and all of his political opponents are enemies or traitors."
    The Republican Party is Fascist. MAGA is a Fascist movement.

  9. I am catholic, and my personal choice is not to have an abortion, however, I strongly object to imposing my religious beliefs unto others, everyone should at least have the choice to decide what they want to do, when I want religion, I go to church, but I sire as hell don’t want it in my government, I WILL VOTE BLUE!

  10. The issue I have with Trump banning abortion is that not only has he made women less of a human being. I don't believe in abortion but this decision has affected me too bc there will not be certain health care that has previously been available to me & other women. Republican men have decided that women should not have 100% complete control & ownership of her own body. Who made Republican men to decide that I am less of a human being without even asking me what I would like. I will vote against any Republican who is on the ballot, bc I am a human being who should have 100% control of my body. I am a full human being & not a subspecies.

  11. Thank you, Steve! I'm happy you're formally getting behind President Biden (and not just anti-Trump). We need your voice! I'd love to see you on MSNBC at some point!

  12. Republicans have shown that they will not stop at controlling women's reproductive rights. They have shown by their actions that they want to remove all women's rights by upholding a law from 1864 when women didn't have the right to vote and the age of consent was 10 for females. I simply do not understand why any woman would want to give up all her rights, work and give her paycheck to her husband, and submissively go in the corner and churn butter.

  13. Women will be the big turnout vote this November, I agree.

    This will be a catastrophic election for Republicans. I don’t say this lightly. It will be wipeout in the House, the Presidency, and the Senate isn’t a dumb bet.

  14. Question: Why didn't sane republicans speak up on behalf of women's rights a long time ago? Republicans…ALL of them, have been after women for decades and NOW the sane ones are acting appalled that we are now remanded back to the status of mere chattel. Too little, too late.

  15. They obviously don't look at the census report because women are more than half of the population I believe we are 52% of the total population one state alone that just had the most restrictive abortion ban put in place has over 333,300 million women who will be voting a straight blue ticket

  16. Get politicians OUT of medical care completely. Lawyers have wanted and salivated over controlling physicians since forEVER. This is why most docs don’t encourage their children to go into medicine since the 70’s. This is what did it for many doc families.
    My favorite is when physicians were told they could no longer have labs in their office because it was a conflict of interest. A patients had to find a way, not only to their doctors while paying only $9 for a lab test, they had to secure another ride to the labs, pay $60 (!!!) then again get a ride to their doc appointment again to discuss their lab results. It’s gone down hill with attorneys wanting to be docs since then.
    And now, here we are with them wanting to be in the OB/GYN office with the women to further control docs. It’s not going to get a whit better until we cease allowing them into any office in the 1st place.
    It’s was all about controlling our physicians. Controlling women was just a cherry on top.

  17. The Republican Party has become Big Brother. Big Brother is regulating The Americans Women's sexual freedom
    The Republicans have blocked reproductive health care for women
    Big Brother will be in everyone's bedroom if you don't vote them out

  18. Great to hear Schmidt talking sense now but everybody should be aware that SCHMIDT WAS STILL A REPUBLICAN FOR DECADES AFTER IT WENT TOTALLY OFF THE RAILS. The GOP was evil long before Trump came along and MAGA was coined. Today Schmidt frequently plays the equivalency game when in reality there is no equivalency between R and D….

  19. America’s women are lazy,and so are their partners,they won’t vote, they’re not conscious of what’s at stake and just don’t care. With their mindless attitude Trump will crush them in November,then will they understand what they gave away,but the train will have left the station,never to return again.

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