‘Take the campaign to the voter’: Biden focusing on social media rather than rallies


The Biden campaign is focusing on social media rather than big rallies. NBC News’ Mike Memoli and Democratic strategist Basil Smikle discuss the new strategy to reach tuned-out voters.

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#Biden #Politics #Election



  1. Promised to Lead as a moderate – FAIL
    Promised to unite Americans – FAIL
    Promised to eradicate the Covid – FAIL
    Promised that 70% of Americans would be vaxxed by last July of 2020 – FAIL
    Promised to improve Jobs – FAIL
    Promised new jobs for Americans – Fail (increase in the job market was based on post Covid returning to work and an increase with full time workers taking on second and third part time jobs to pay their bills because of Biden’s failed economic policies) another Joe Biden lie.
    Promised to keep taxes down – FAIL
    Promised to improve our standard of living – FAIL
    Promised to control inflation – FAIL
    Promised to improve America's reputation abroad -ULTIMATE FAILURE
    Promised to secure our borders – FAIL
    Promised to reduce the amount of fentanyl coming across the border – FAIL
    Bidennomics – FAIL
    Strengthen our Military – FAIL
    Bring TRUTH to Government – FAIL
    Lied about the inflation reduction act and is breaking the law according to information supplied to the Senate by Joe Manchin 12/08/23.
    Got us involved in two wars
    Abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, and Haiti.
    Left Billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the enemy in Afghanistan.
    Has had twenty American Embassies forced closed around the world. The most of ANY president.
    Lied to the American people about his and his family’s foreign affairs, cashing in on millions of dollars.
    Allowed his son and daughter to skate on their taxes while demanding Americans pay their fair share.
    Can chew gum and walk at the same time – FAIL
    Can ride a bike stationary, with training wheels or without and not fall – FAIL

    Manage to have the worst presidency all time to be followed by five other DEMORATS, Clinton’s, Obama, Carter, Johnson and Kennedy.

  2. "New strategy is to forget BIG RALLIES (Like President Trump) and focus on SMALLER GROUPS"…😂😅😂 AKA: Joe Bama O'Biden Clinton CAN'T pull huge audience numbers like The Don can!! Winning 🥇!!

  3. This is a waste of money. Every social media post should include a link to the voter registration site. There are 100 million unregistered democrats leaning forward on their sofas

  4. Yes, in order to get the infrastructure bill passed the president had to DE-emphasize the fact that while you can break ground on that bridge across the Ohio River along with McConnell and DeWine soon after the bill was passed, you don't get the bridge for years and years thereafter. Want local news coverage? Make sure that a small bridge in rural Georgia gets repaired in a couple of months and show up there, or have Buttigieg do so. Otherwise, focus on the economy. For all the griping about egg prices, they cost exactly 8¢ a dozen more (adjusted for inflation — the average annual wage isn't $11,117 any more either) than they did during Ronald Reagan's Admin in 1982, two-thirds of a penny more per egg over the course of 42 years. (Thank you, efficient farmers, who made that possible.)  

    Also, focus on the fact that Donald Trump lives in Dreamland. He doesn't make everything get better with a wave of his fairy wand. Just ask the more than half a million people who died from COVID while he provided a disjointed, meandering, Chemical of the Week response, instead of putting the governors in their places and creating an atmosphere of national patriotic sacrifice for even just one month, with masking (once they became available) and social distancing enforced with fines, just like, I don't know, littering and public urination laws intended to protect the health of the nation. God forbid we should ever have to ration basic necessities, like in WWII again — Americans have been taught by Republicans to expect never to have to sacrifice and if they have to, to blame it on the Democrats. Unfortunately, Republican politicians are happier to see 1,200,000 die of COVID than they are to pay 8¢ more for eggs. Just ask Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who said the elderly would be happy to sacrifice their lives to keep the economy humming along. The elderly include Dan Patrick, who oddly enough, made sure he was still around after the pandemic was over, not all that keen on sacrificing his own life.

  5. Most people support Ukraine, so if he'd get a new military staff that includes people like General Ben Hodges, he would have defeated the worst of the axis of evil and solved our major problem, PLUS we'd have a great ally UKRAINE. They could have been rebuilding now AND be in NATO💪🇺🇦=💪🌐🕊️

  6. Who is ultimately responsible for the mess our country is in? Answer: The misinformed voters who put Biden in office in the first place. Just don’t make the same mistake twice. 🤨 BTW: Will somebody – anybody – change Biden's diapers? He always walks around like a toddler with a full load. 🤣

  7. Lol…Trump used social media in 2016 to win, at a time when the Government didn't take control of social media, but the Democrats learned their lesson and took over social media platforms and now want to weaponize it by eliminating Republican point of views and only showing Democrat points of view, welcome to Communism!!!

  8. There are loads of old bridges here in Louisiana I would love to see replaced or upgraded. This is an important issue in many areas. Yes, groceries are sky high. Let’s talk about WHY. Name the large corporations that are inflating prices. The lack of family farms, making prices of meat, eggs, produce, out of reach for so many. There are lots of conversations to be had. The fact is, President Biden, is lives in the real world. He knows we don’t need an id 🪪 to buy a loaf of bread. The reality is that tRUMP has probably never been to a grocery story. He has servants to do that. And cost means nothing to him.


  10. The new strategy is, he doesn’t appear on TV or debate anyone or open his mouth for any reason so that the American people still vote for him
    Social media safe bet😂😂😂

  11. This sounds about right, a controled environment were he still can just read the lines or go with script. instead of campaigning from the basement Biden has moved out to the garage, were he can look at the documents that he should'nt have had at all.

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