The World Ahead 2024: five stories to watch out for


What are the stories set to shape 2024? From the biggest election year in history, to how to control AI and even taxis that fly, The Economist offers its annual look at the world ahead.

00:00 – The World Ahead 2024
00:33 – Vital votes
03:34 – Taxis take off
07:10 – AI rules
10:19 – Industry cleans up?
13:48 – BRICS build

Read more on The World Ahead 2024:

Read Tom Standage’s editor’s note on The World Ahead 2024:

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Europe, a laggard in AI, seizes the lead in its regulation:

Taiwan’s presidential election will be a three-way race after all:

China is watching closely who will be Taiwan’s next president:

Decarbonisation of industrial activities is beginning:

The BRICS are expanding:

A global agency to oversee AI is a tall order:

China approves the world’s first flying taxi:

The world wants to regulate AI, but does not quite know how:

Flying taxis could soon be a booming business:

The BRICS bloc is riven with tensions:

A Finnish firm thinks it can cut industrial carbon emissions by a third:



  1. Australia had a carbon trading system and it was one of the first, it was developed by the Labor Party and introduced by Labor Prime Ministers Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd, the domestic right wing party laughably called the Liberal Party with assistance from their minor coalition agrarian corporation based National Party demonised it through deceitfully mislabelling it as a tax, along with the assistance of a 24/7 misinformation campaign carried out by the far right wing media (primarily Murdoch owned) media assets and they dismantled it immediately upon taking government, as with all right wing parties globally they are in the pocket of the established huge energy and mining companies and corporations that are fervently blocking and subverting any regulation or supporting renewable energy policy and spending measures to protect their current ultra profitable revenue streams. Why is India in the Brics grouping of non democratic pariahs and setting up in opposition to the post WWII Western financial order, this is totally illogical even with their historical both sideism and fence sitting and it makes no sense at all, with the west pulling out of China however long it takes to turn around the titanic the focus was on India but however that may no longer be the case, Russia and China are meanwhile doing their best to establish political and economic footholds in Africa, South America and the pacific by means fair or foul and this is a major concern going forward, the US imploding under Trump and the now effectively non existent far right wing usurped Republican Party is the final straw, if Biden holds on and then hands over to someone like Gavin Newsome there may be hope, mass recriminations within the Reps might sweep the despots out but I doubt it, so who would be the next quisling miscreant in line, we shall have to wait and see.

  2. Regardless of the events and outcomes yet to come, noone is really seeking the solution and prevention. The world is inactive and complacent. Most of people are happy complaining and speculating. The only fact and truth is everyone dies sooner or later. The date and cause of death is unknown.

  3. Well it's time for the BRICS- New World Order to come up with a default reserve currency or simply go back to gold as the reserve. It will be too chaotic for each country to trade in their respective currencies with the daily change in exchange rates.

  4. Trump would create unpredictability? He had no wars under his term, created peace with Isreal, first president to visit North Korea, kept Putin in check….and under Biden chaos. Are you deranged?

  5. Why the hit peice on Elon Musk? If the Economist had any sense they would listen to Elon amd take his warnings more seriously. Glad I stopped paying for the Economist years ago.

  6. I foresee a recession lasting 2-3 years, and if inflation continues to surge, the Federal Reserve will likely raise interest rates soon. Inflation is causing various issues worldwide, such as food shortages, scarcities of diesel and heating fuel, and significant spikes in housing prices, leading to a potential financial market crash. This global downturn could have long-lasting repercussions. Given the current inflation rate of approximately 9%, my main worry is how to optimize my savings and retirement fund, which has remained stagnant at around $300,000, yielding almost no gains for quite some time.

  7. I WILL LIKE TO point out there was 2000 death due to the Australian illegal robo debts and that was air to the public in 2019 this video is a month old and the lady say 2 deaths linked.

    Because people what you listen to always think for your self before you listen to mainstream media.

  8. The USD exists in so much volume and is so incredibly stable that any other currency in the world will not even be able to compete against it anytime soon. It is traded or preferred in so many different markets. Nobody wants to use RMB, Yuan, Ruble, Rupie, Rand, Rial, nor the Real as they are all wildly volatile or manipulated by their respective governments and central banks. These are also nations that will never want to give up the power of using a standardized BRICS currency as it would remove the power to manipulate the currency. The US has such an enourmous and diverse economy that the Dollar can be trusted everywhere.

    Let's take a look at the RMB. China is by far the strongest and most diverse economy in BRICS. They have created an astronomical amount of liquidity using cash in their markets to ensure there is always money for investments in real estate. They will have the fastest aging population, the fastest drop in consumption and labor, not to mention flight of foreign direct investment of any country today. Their youth unemployment is at least 20% and their collective private retirement savings is approximately 70% invested in housing. It will be very interesting to see what becomes of China over the next 5-10 years, but I really do not believe they will be able to weather this economic downturn. They spent too much, created too much liquidity, and will soon not have the people to work and consume. My hope is that Chinese people get taken care of, because this might wipe a lot of gains the average person has experienced over the last 10-15 years.

  9. Such an outstanding job! I recently enjoyed a similar book, and it was an absolute masterpiece. "Game Theory and the Pursuit of Algorithmic Fairness" by Jack Frostwell

  10. А что сделаешь.Пошел покушал потом и своими делами занимаешься все равно таких денег и влияния нету мирового и не мои проблемы

  11. В то же время бывший депутат Верховной рады, участник движения «Другая Украина» Владимир Олейник отметил, что бегство депутатов для украинского государства — явление новое. По его словам, обычно все, наоборот, стремились занять место в Раде.

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