there are big warnings going out


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Information: Brad/Full Spectrum Survival is not a doctor, medical professional, investor, or lawyer. Each of the statements made by Brad, Kelley, their guests and/or this channel are opinions of events only and not instructions or advice. NO information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition or give legal or investment advice. Brad, Kelley, and Full Spectrum Survival thanks each one of our Patreon members for making our outreach possible. We often work with outreaches and organizations to share information, both positive and negative, about items that fit within the genre of our community. Videos and information, text and website driven, may include the sponsorship of our Patreon members who request reviews of specific items and the discussion of topics or outreaches and organizations. At no time do we ever sway our judgement for an item or topic based on these requests. Integrity and our community are the first and utmost priority for our entire team and family. We thank you for being here with us and being a part of this amazing community.



  1. When the trickle down economy hits the fan, there won’t be much middle class left; the lead won’t be any good if you don’t even have the intelligence to find the adversary: they have control and connections of the political class.

  2. Just thinking back at this whole thing we called “life”, we TRULY are in the END GAME! Everything happening is becz of the past, ignorants and distraktions. We are LIVING IN TIMES LIKE NEVER B4 ! WHAT A Tyme To Be Alive 👁️

  3. Kroger has 4x fuel points where a hundred dollars worth of groceries gets you 40 cents a gallon off your gas. You can get up to a dollar off up to 35 gallon fill up. I see couples filling two cars at once and the real prepared filling fuel cans. I just got seventy gallons at 2.39 but not many are able to do this safely because you need a DOT accessory fuel tank.
    The 4x points are only available certain days of the week.

  4. Yes I can imagine Israel facing attacks/invasion from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan and Libya because it is in the Bible! You will find it in Ezekiel 38 and also Daniel 7:24 and Revelation 17:12. IT WILL HAPPEN BECAUSE IT IS WRITTEN!

  5. board the windows, install metal hurricane shutters on the outside windows and doors, and make sure they lock from the inside. There's a storm coming and it's going to be dangerous.

  6. We've been in a depression for a while. The banks collapsed in 2008.
    What I here will be really bad for 2 years. Think what it was like when we went off the gold standard
    20% interest rates, 55 miles an hour speed limit. Going back on the gold standard will cause similar disruption.


  8. The out-of-control government employees are corrupt theieves, they treated the American people like their personal ATMs…how do politicians and government employees let's not forget that WE pay them to do the job of serving us has We, the People under communist fascist rule while they enjoy cronie capitalism…they don't care about us! They did greivious things to me during my cancer treatment and I'm holding them accountable…Americans need to stop being afraid and use the resources of peaceful protest via Civil/Human Rights violation lawsuits.
    What they are doing to us with these mass evictions is actually a war crime against their own people according to the UN Human Rights Initiative. These people (only people stop propping them up as royalty) are our paid civil servants…paid to serve our needs! They aren't doing that so they are criminally neglecting the Americans people, endangering us with unnecessary wars for their personal gain!!!!
    Stop being afraid, educate yourself on your rights! When breached sue!

  9. This was all set up decades ago. The Lost think they have years. Bad news for the unsaved. Jesus comes back in 7 years. Don't believe? Want to mock? It's all a conspiracy until it's not.
    God is your only hope. Not man, not money.
    Believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ and be saved.
    He's coming…

  10. So instead of talking, get your butt in gear and do EVERYTHING you can to survive. Get out of cities and learn to survive without, if you care to survive. If not, well, you make your own bed.

  11. I think we're living in the antichrist culture. It's sickening how NY is firing their fire fighters to take care of illegal aliens. It's a fight between good and evil nowadays.

  12. You can check my bank statements all they want. It’s not the equipment that they should be concerned about, but the government training that they have provided me which will use to enforce my freedom.

  13. The advice on hunting and fishing is nonsense. When SHTF happens the hordes will just walk out on the ranches and kill a cow in the field. There are 60 million cattle in the United States, that should last a while.

  14. Casual observation. Historically, government pushes gun control when they feel threatened. Great Depression-NFA 1934, Social upheaval during the 1960’s-GCA 1968, 1990’s-AWB. Now-AWB’s and magazine laws.

  15. The number one cause of everything collapsing is very clear Currupt lieing Joe Biden an his regeame that are completely against the US citizens and there needs

  16. Too much of our money is getting pipelined to countries who would never bat an eye to help us. I woke up in 1999 and realized that this country was bs. A bunch of tricks and lies.

  17. Get to your bugout and leave the rest alone. How in the hell is everyone in Florida going to bug out? They arent!! You arent either! Take care of yourself people and neighbors. If it comes down to nukes we all shit outta luck. Do the best that you can and do right by your fellow man

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