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ATTN: Philip DeFranco – Rogue Rocket
4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd. Box – 760
Valley Village, CA 91607
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Edited by: Aaron C.R. Pepper, James Girardier
Produced by: Amanda Morones
Art Director: Brian Borst
Writing/Research: Philip DeFranco, Maria Sosyan
Narration: Maria Sosyan
Music: Jason Mayer
#DeFranco #Adoption #Uganda
So he just made a little intro and ending and played someone else’s content the entire time? Hahah wow
Of course that women should return the child to his biological mother. Even if he doesnt recognize her, that his mom and they will grow to have a bond again.
Yo this is and has been happening in the US to Indigenous people, ie look at the south dakota NAACP case that was in the supreme court. Also resedential schools which are the even more fucked version of human trafficking schools.
Happened to me with my son. Shocking. Nil support but Im still trusting God. Thank you for your highlight of this heartbreak.
I just used this as a source in my Current Event about the adoption of Native American children by white families for my South Dakota Indian Studies class! Really useful, keep it going!
Maria is a great asset to the team … Keep up a good job
It's not just in Uganda. The ones that have a huge mark are the human trafficker and "adoption agencies/lawyers"(I use those terms loosely) in the home country that scope out the biological parents. My 3 Godchildren are all adopted from Guatemala. The oldest they were told mother was a prostitute and he had been abused, so the government took away her parental rights. His adoption took about 18 months, he had just turned 3 years before he came here. A few months after they adopted him the agency they used in Guatemala came back and said "Hey we have this little boy(2 years old) and sister(4 years old) we think you'd like." So they proceeded to adopt the sibling set. Part way through the adoption the US agency found out that the sister was being adopted by another US family through another US agency. When bringing this up to the Guatemalan agency they then said yes it was true, and for my friend to pick another kid. They then picked a baby girl that was listed as "healthy." So now the were set to adopt the baby girl and 2 year old boy. Just before the 2 year old's adoption was final in Guatemala my friend got the call that the 4 year old girl's US adoptive family hired a PI in Guatemala to find the birth family and the girl was kidnapped from the family, friend's US agency wasn't sure if the 2 year old was kidnapped as well stating the kids came from the same village but had different mothers listed. The kids were kidnapped and another woman was saying they were her children, they have to do a DNA test to prove person giving them up is their parent. After some more investigating, yes both children were kidnapped and reunited to their biological family. Once again friend was told "pick another child and we'll roll what you've already paid into that child." So she picked another baby boy that was a few months younger than baby girl. Right around baby girl's first birthday my friend, her sister in law, and mother went down for a visit with the kids. It was discovered that baby girl had some MAJOR medical problems. After seeing the medical problems. They had already done the DNA and birth mom and Guatemalan foster mom had become friends. Foster mom brought in birth mom, so my friend got to talk to her. She stated she was giving up her daughter because of the medical issues that she knew she couldn't take care of. Because of the medical issues they were able to fast track baby girl's adoption to get her treatment. She came home 3 months later. Because of all the issues my friend ended up hiring a PI herself to find the birth mom of baby boy. There was some murky stuff in his adoption but after finding birth mom she said her mother was ill and she already had 5 kids to are for. It seemed off but via DNA she was his birth mom. After another 6 months my friend and I went down to finish his adoption and bring him home. Once he was home about 6 months it was found out his birth mom was part of a group of girls that basically were human trafficked. Men would travel to Guatemala to pay and have basically rape these girls to get pregnant. Once pregnant they were pampered till the baby was born and put into international adoption. They were given about 6-8 weeks after birth before birth mom was put back in the rape pool. The poor girls have no means of taking care of the children.
We do not need dis sickness in ooganda
How much does it cost to adopt a child in the US?
Why are so many couples funding human trafficking unknowingly while adopting a child, is the real question I believe.
I think it's morally right to give the child back in the case that the kid remembers their parents or home. But if the kid only knows their adoptive parents, it would be traumatizing to be thrown back to a poorer country with people you don't know and a language you don't know.
This happened to our family friends but in Haiti. They were going to adopt 2 children and they lived and worked at this "creche" (which is like an orphanage) for over a year and it turns out that the kids weren't really orphans. Heartbreak aside (and they had 2 biological children who were with them, imagine explaining THAT), they lost tens of thousands of dollars in the process. There's a lot more to the story but that's the gist. Orphanages are HUGE money-makers for the dishonest in developing countries. If not outright trafficking children for adoption, they invite wealthy missionaries to visit and bring gifts and food for the kids, then after they leave they take away the nice clothes, toys, and food and sell it.
This was a great video! Keep these mini series going on! This video was well constructed!
But Philip! Please cover the Youths for Climate march! The students in Belgium have decided to take their future in their hands and protest politicians incabability to change anything to prevent the catastrophic reality that climate change is!
You would be very interested in how this movement started and what is has reached. With your help this movement could reach all of Europe, and spread to around the entire world!
Here's a good side bar, it is almost impossible to get your own adoption records if you are a child of adoption. I have been trying for nearly 2 years now not because I want to know my birth parents but because I am 38 and want to know my family's general medical history, in case i need to prep for some kind of horrible early onset disease.
mmmmm…. you don't send a baby away for 4 years for an education… but other wise, great information. How horrifying for all involved especially the children.
The sad part is that there are children who are really orphaned and def eligible for adoption… there & in many other countries as well.
Where should you donate?
Great reporting, and very eye opening. But, am I the only one who immediately thought about Thomas Rhett’s baby that he recently adopted from Uganda?
Very informative! I love these deep dives. 👍
I thought the title said "Illegal Adoption: U.S. and Canada" . Eye kaint reed. lol
As a person who was adopted as a child, this story is both horrifying and soul-crushing. Much of that due to the obvious parts of this story, but also because I'm incredibly suspicious of any parents who want to adopt "fast and cheap". There's a serious issue amongst adoptive parents that see adoption as less of adding a person to the family and more of a purchase of a commodity. Many couples want to become parents for completely selfish reasons; when they adopt a kid they evaluate the purchase in the same way one might evaluate the purchase of a television: does it work right? Does the feature set work right for me? They expect the kid to "function properly right out of the box", so to speak; to love them unconditionally, to always obey and respect them, to go to the college the parents choose for them and get the job the parents want them to get. It isn't about the kind of love biological parents feel for their kids, it's about making a purchase to complete a fantasy they've always had. They end up treating the kid as a commodity rather than a human (let alone their own child), and when that setup inevitably fails they demand to return their defective product.
Over 25% of all adoptions end with the child being given up by the parents. It's absolutely sickening, and like I said, it makes me incredibly suspicious of any couple that takes the fastest and cheapest route to adoption. They aren't willing or able to go through the longer and more expensive route, yet they still want a kid regardless. To me that sounds like they aren't really committed to finding and raising the specific child they can love and cherish more than anything or anyone else; it sounds like they just want a kid, any kid will do, and that's a serious red flag.
I really hate that this exists. Everything about this is just awful.
I think it just comes down to an ugly truth that we don't want to realise, say, or face up to: people in western countries (not all, by any means) think that these people's love matters less, and they don't love as strongly for their children as we do for ours. Because they can't give them an education, or three meals a day, and they have so many other children, and people are always dying all around them, so surely it hurts less to have a child taken away, and hurts less when your child dies of AIDS, famine, conflict, drowning at sea in a leaky boat trying to reach better lands.
I think until the universal concept of love being equal for all people and the feeling that, "oh it's ok, they've already had so much turmoil in their life, some more won't hurt" is eradicated, things like this are an inevitability.
New York Clinton…..American agencies from the past. State department was very shady. Hillary Clinton didn't do her job in charge of the State department when her husband as president change or signed executive order in the 90s for the head of the State department to visit all embassies to ensure safety of them. The Clintons had been caught helping a known trafficker that was caught taking kids that were not orphans
out of Haiti… Clinton's & Bush's & Obama's family are criminals who had obviously had that plan to go foward with criminal activity for many more decades to come.
If its been found that you have adopted a child as a result of human trafficking and not by legal and valid process then you should absolutely be morally obliged to return the child to its biological parent/parents. the biological parents should be able to be the ones to say whether or not their child can be adopted.
I love these pieces! Well researched and shows many sides of the story. Thanks for reporting facts and not telling us how to think.
i really enjoy these extended pieces and i like when other members of the team get to take the lead, but i found it very distracting when i keep hearing "intercountry" pronounced as "innercounrty", especially since that would mean the exact opposite.
This happens in Canada, with the promise of an "open adoption" then the 'adoptive parents' lie through their teeth to your face, as they become "full legal guardians" in the government's eyes and take your baby and never let you see them again.
Why? Because people are greedy and refuse to do the right thing.
As a mother I have been mourning everyday and night.
I've learned trusting people is foolish.
why would american coulpes adopt non american babies is beyond me. thousands of american kids are up for adoptions. get those.
money corrupts and I'm sure there is a large organization behind this in Uganda. I'm concerned that her private investigator could be turned or targeted.
I'm also shocked that the adoptive parents don't have more clues once the child is here. I'm sure they're asking for their mothers or something similar. I guess the parents just think the child is stressed? Either way this is heartbreaking. Can you imagine growing up and being taken away from your parents and then later fining out that peoples greed was the reason for it. I would be so angry and distrustful
"Throw out baby with a bath water." The lady is a savage to be able to throw around puns in this situation
Loving all of this new Content Phil. Great Job yo you and the whole team.
The female narrator has some sort of lisp or speech impediment. Kind of annoying
There is no god.
those kids from covington high school are getting pretty bad threats to their lives….how bout you do a video saying you were wrong,if anything happens to those kids many will hold you responsible
Let's take a photo pose to show how evil the USA, the place we are illegally going to, really is… gtfo here.
So you can sit there and act superior while you contribute to the slander of CHILDREN? This fake story is endangering the lives of kids who are obviously no older than 13. Of course you say nothing about the psychos yelling racial and homophobic slurs at those CHILDREN, and those kids even booed them. Even those kids know right and wrong better than you. Those kids deserve a public apology and an OFFICIAL PUBLIC RETRACTION!
This is the future of PhilTV, great stuff man.
Yay!!! I’m not a beautiful bastard today!!! 😉 no hate! 💋
They need to make US adoption not so damn expensive. I have a big house, a loving family and would love to give children a good home but I don't know if I am ready for that process.
JESUS CHRIST… This is HORRIFYING. I have 3 kids and this s ares the shit out of me. Made me cry… Nobody should take away anybodies kids without danger present. There are no words. None. I would be broken without my children. My word, this needs to stop 🤯
I thought it was only Trump stripping kids from parents and breaking up families, turns out a lot of Americans are doing it too.
The American family needs to return Tabatha’s children. It’s a reflection of how low their morals are that they went after her second child as well. Disgusting people
It’s shitty that “adoption” is getting another bad wrap it makes me mad
EnDcAp, hey mate, i want to buy a kid…….. don’t worry I sort it out for you
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Just wanted to see a BOLD FACED LIAR in his natural pocilga.
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