MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump spending the weekend NOT CAMPAIGNING and behaving like a petulant 6 year old.
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He thinks he's smarter than everyone……….It's well past time that Traitor Trump faces the consequences of his actions. Look this scum bag up.
Mentally ill
What does Obama have to do with all this shit from Trump?
Donald skunk can post all the stupid poses you want is not going to do him any good he done lost his election he knows it his campaign people knows it that he done lost his election that's why he's not campaigning he doesn't have the money but he has to pretend to campaign to satisfy his supporters and keep scamming them
I wish reporters would, as a follow-up question to redirect guests, tell them,'Excuse me. This is a yes or no question. Please tell us which one represents your position.'
A vile orange career criminal with a ZERO moral compass always playing the martyr and long-suffering victim! #INFURIATING
The Evangelicals endorse Trump because they want to bring about 'The Rapture'.
Which is why they endorse someone with all the characteristics of the Anti-Christ.
Beware False Prophets!!!
Stealing Jesus, revolting
Trump IS despicable.
The man child does it again when are they going to lock the treasonous traitor up Donnie’s is the most useless man alive
GOOD! Get rid of bad rubbish!
Pray for this man's speedy incarceration, amen.
Since we know 45 always deflect his crime on others, is he telling us he’s a pedofile?
Maybe he thinks Biden won "from the basement" he can win from the golf course.
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She's an idiot
Self-delusion knows no bounds. Jeshua with both hands blessing D'ump. That's what I call am abomination of the brain. As much as I recognize Deceptive "Truth" as mankind's worst enemy, I can't comprehend how it is taken so far as to literally turn on and destroy everything good, kind, useful, important and humane about a person. Sick Inner World theater.
TRUMP 2024 🎉🎉🎉🎉 he cant leave the state 😂😂😂 pretty sure you wouldn't be able to campaign throughout the country from your home 😂😂😂
He is pure evil
Trump apparently gave Putin a list of the top US spies, in 2019. By 2021, many of them had either been murdered or captured!
This was an excellent news cast. Too bad it’s not on daily news shows. THANK YOU!!
I'm glad we have a president who does not embarrass us to the core with his disgusting behaviors.
thank you for all the details.
Trump is a joke!!!
There was a heading you had that caught my eye because I remembered something from years gone by, obviously these are not my words, I just found them relevant, Chump is going to end up alone with nothing to protect the quote follows and may be more relevant to Ben's training, I apologise for its length Chump standing with Christ his connection to God is as follows
William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”
Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”
William Roper: “Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!”
Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!
Creepy cults are totally bizarre
Be happy he is not campaigning- infecting our fellow citizens’ minds w his poison!
Maybe he and the fascists are losing steam?!
Lock him up- he has never prayed or read a bible or gone to church for a sincere reason. He isnt stable . He is nothing but a crimminal getting others to do his dirty work.Lock this creature up
Looks like Jesus is a masseuse, kneading tRump's shoulders.
Republicans authorized this evil and must stop it!
Tempertantrump campaign strategy is to be polar to Biden. Good v Evil election. The issue is: What crosses the line from juvenile delinquent to criminal?
Trump uses people, even uses Jesus. Jesus was all about love and forgiveness not hatred and revenge!
Well hell yes Jesus has his hand on trumps shoulders says this man is fighting sick and evil thoughts in trumps head F**K TRUMP
I wish people would wake up and get free of mindless, old religious myths altogether and this bullshit would have zero appeal. It only appears stupid to thinking atheists. ughhh so sickening. Get free from religion!
❤😂🎉😢😅😊😊 well I hope you guys really vote the right person in that you feel as needed, but at least just vote. It helps your system succeed in what it’s supposed to do. Try to change it democracy good luck.
Nothing makes me happier than to know he's not spending his time campaigning. Keep golfing, The Donald!
It gets more and more insane by the day. God forbid he gets elected. This country will be doomed. So much damage has already been done by this man who should NEVER have been president. He is everything a president SHOULD NOT be.
All trump knows is how to grift and destroy lives.Maybe next trump campaign he will tell us to ingest hand sanitizer with a spoon like it was jello😂
Trump is trying to appeal to the only people left who might consider voting for him: shut-in lunatics, conspiracy maniacs, and domestic terrorists.
Lara was like, sorry daddy! We only have about $40k for rest of trump campaign as well as for all the other ppl running under GOP banner. Stay at your bedbug ridden trump tower, camplaign from there, its free! (Until you get sued but we'll deal w/ that then)
Jesus can’t be good enough, wait for it: Trump will receive messages and mails from God himself in the near future! Honestly, tell him the loony bin is heaven and he‘ll go there willingly!
He is Pure Evil. Also I didn't know Jesus met Satan's son ?
Mr. Trump is not a "people's president" but, I WILL BE! I am Stanis Gail Gachina, otherwise known as " GLORY" And if you keep deleting my messages, and all the venues I try to get on, Mr. Donald J..k I will delete you! AMEN !
Women for Trump!
My god (pun intended) any woman who supports this “man” has serous self esteem issues, this type of woman puts up with things from men that no self respecting women would ever do.
This post is shocking , the mind boggles. 🤯
Right wingers got the script and they follow it. Always trashy.
I can't believe the people of America are trying to send a convicted rapist to the White House. How will that look to foreign leaders when he meets them.
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