Trump Caught LYING AGAIN in Appeal of Massive Judgment


Trump and his lawyers like Alina Habba continue shamelessly to MISLEAD APPELLATE COURTS about the value of Mar a Lago, overstating it by at least 5x in a case about FALSE INFLATED VALUATIONS! Michael Popok, who practices real estate and land use litigation in Florida, explains how Trump, in financial straits in the 1990s, agreed to PERMANENTLY SUPPRESS THE VALUE and use of Mar a Lago as he lived in a fake mansion that he could only afford by selling strangers memberships to his β€œhouse”.

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  1. I just don’t understand how people can keep supporting him . I gave up being a republican about three years ago, I’m now a registered independent and as long as trump has any chance of winning the presidency I’ll gladly stay an independent.

  2. 11:34 you're exactly right, enough is enough. Everyone should be feeling that same way over trump's constant deranged lies manipulation and hypocrisy. And you made another good point it certainly is very strange how trump has to live in a country club, I've never heard of anyone doing that, he's just bizarre and deranged every way you look at it. He seems to always want to get by paying as little as possible for anything and everything and obviously it includes screwing ppl who work for him even his closest attorneys in the past like gullible rudi GiulianiπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he actually foolishly believed trump would pay him

  3. Why do assholes, have to aid the criminals like Bidens, to make others that actually want to protect your country to look worse than they already are. A re you a Fani Willis lover or L James lover . Just tell the real news and screw your biased critisms

  4. Im with 286 lets make sure he does not miss his appointment for the big hotel visit cell block 45 one of our Americans finest rooms made especially for great people of criminal intent hoping to get away with the big lie / not rich at all / never want to account for any wrong doing the magnificent wall color high gloss paint perfect for mashing orange or Cacie color jump suit for longer stay in confert free lowlevel high fattie foods and a comasery for donation for high level hunger for new comers well come and enjoy your stay Donald J Trump prisoner #45

  5. People have to understand they went after president Donald Trump for the first time for a law that no one ever been charged with think about that what are you ignorant of course you are you must have voted for Benedict Arnold Joe Biden,πŸ˜†πŸ˜­πŸ˜ƒπŸ€£πŸ˜·πŸ˜πŸ˜Š

  6. At this point in time… I don't think Trump can stop lying. Every time he opens his mouth, lies come out. I don't think he can stop himself or that he's doing it deliberately at this point.

    The only thing that isn't lie is when he says his own name. And even then…

  7. I'm from New York City I've been following politics since 1970 president Donald Trump ran over 530 companies small and big and now we got this ignoramus over here explaining to the stupid people what he thinks wow, now you know who are the ignorant people that listen to stupidity they happen to be the people that voted for Benedict Arnold Joe Biden nothing new under the weather, πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜πŸ˜·πŸ€£πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜­πŸ€₯

  8. I love that Scotland has found he over-valuated his Turnberry property and committed fraud there as well. I understand he may have to surrender this property to them. I sure hope this is true, he scammed and lied to everyone along with the undertaking of the project. Go Scotland!😁

  9. You got to give it to the ignorant people why isn't he telling you his professional business dealing with corporation does he own any inquiring minds want to know, you do know president Donald Trump didn't get caught for tax evasion or nothing most people say they just hitting him because supposedly he over value value his property which everybody does, the funny thing about all that is the bank has their own appraiser so they decide how much loan the customers going to get,πŸ€₯πŸ˜­πŸ˜ƒπŸ€£πŸ˜·πŸ˜·πŸ˜πŸ˜†

  10. For all you ignorant people listening to this clown pay attention they fire 12000 American citizens in an American company, so they could put in Joe Biden new voters illegal immigrant all 12000 are going to be working for the American company they just fire 12000 American citizen wow, and people R worried about ignorance unbelievable, πŸ˜†πŸ˜πŸ˜·πŸ€£πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜­

  11. Why is this ignorant person not talking about his sugar daddy Joe Biden that's sold top secret documents to the Chinese Communist party since he became a senator 1972 he don't look that old I've been following politics since 1970 and this guy has absolutely no idea what he's talking about, but you got to give him credit he got all these ignorant people believe in what he's saying, πŸ˜­πŸ˜ƒπŸ€£πŸ˜·πŸ˜πŸ˜†

  12. His legal team have gone well past the point where they should have cut their losses and quit!

    Not only is their payment at question, but their "client" is determined to ignore any sound legal advice and just make things worse for himself. Doing so now MAY allow them to salvage at least a vistige of respect from others in their profession.

  13. Many people voted for the disgraced ex-president because HE said he was rich. So what? That doesn’t mean that qualifies him for the presidencies. Folks like wealth; worships money.

  14. His properties are probably actually worth a lot less because he doesn't actually "own" them. They are financed to the hilt! You don't get much for a building appraised at 50 million if he still owes 40 million. Does he actually own anything outright? I would really be interested if he does.

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