Trump FALLS APART in Virginia Speech and It LOOKS SERIOUS


MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s speech in Virginia where he could barely complete sentences and looked deeply unwell physically and mentally.

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  1. If you had half of what he has going on because of the demonicrats trying to ruin him because they are so terrified of him winning you would have moments like this. But since the media are so criminal I wouldn't put it past them that they doctored these clips

  2. At least he is trying to make the world a better place, all you who have time to put down and pick on people are losers and need to have a look at you self. Play the clip!
    This is the worst show ever seen and the host is a deep state puppet. May be do a show with positive news as that's what people need, not this crap.

  3. Why are those people cheering senseless verbal streams of nonsense?. I have no idea what that egotist is on about. It’s horrific. America, please shake up a new presidential candidate PDQ!

  4. Hahaha This Man has a following that won't quit!
    At least he can get out and speak ! Where's poopy pants Biden 😂😂🤡 crying like a bitc# because he's behind in the poles 😂😂😂 and Obama's going to lose his 4th turm 😂😂😂😂 So you just keep crying and Maga is going to keep winning 😂😂😂😂😂

  5. The Daily Show has a hilarious thing on his “languages,” and how he’s trying to get them into our daily speech. Reepeeduke ahhh is in there

  6. Crazy 🤪 mega
    Not American he is for his self not for
    American ‘s he is a criminal you know sad for all of American this country is going to be in turmoil . He has He got out of Vietnam because he said he has Spurs in his brain . Nut case
    Glad he didn’t go Vietnam 🇻🇳 he shit his pants

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