Trump FLIPS OUT Before Big Court Hearing TODAY


MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s interview where he admits to crimes and still keeps whining again over President Biden’s State of the Union speech from last Thursday one week later.

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  1. Trump, a student of history?! This, from the guy who thinks we'll have WWII if Biden is re-elected, who believes that the 1918 Influenza epidemic began in 1917, and who believes Frederick Douglass is still alive, though he was born circa 1818!

  2. Reminds me of when David a shepherd boy is asked to sing to the then King Saul who was a torrmented soul, when God, took His Holy Spirit., from him, for his disobedience.

  3. Oh my lawd… Trump and his MAGA Cult are some of the most insane people on earth. They do this kind of crap like sing anthems to Trump and lie about what is really happening in the hopes that all that wishful thinking and energy they're putting into this madness will work. It's so pathetic to watch. How desperate are these people? Do they really believe that Trump is the Almighty King or are they all just fascists hoping it works so they have the power of the country? Trump is so delusional when he claims Biden was all hyped up on performance-enhancing drugs and yelling at people. I watched his speech and thought he did great and showed his strength because he's sick of the GOP's bullshit.

  4. Trump and his administration are the ones that have been proven to dishing out and intaking drugs like they were candy and he has nerves to accuse President Biden. And President Biden never screams. Only Trump screams and rants like a loudmouth madman. That creature not even fit to even be among society.

  5. Look at Trump standing there while that idiot sings to him — he looks fatter than Chris Christie times two! Trump mocks poor Christie about his weight but here's Trump in 2024 looking like the Good Year F'ing BLIMP!

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