Trump Gets INSTANT KARMA He DESERVES in Georgia Speech


MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how Donald Trump tried to attack President Biden during his latest speech in Rome, Georgia but then had a complete cognitive meltdown during the bizarre speech.

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  1. Oh my goodness look at Biden talking to that kid. Mr. President talked to that kid for several minutes, knowing how hard it was to stutter on the phone or in school

    Wtf. Look at that other guy a$hole making fun of stutters while he's so messed up he trashed see feral words.

    That just blew me away
    I love Joe Biden. He just helped that kiss entire life. Lol he gave him his phone number

  2. Georgia, since when did you guys complete the Theory of Everything?

    Your probably the first southern state to give up on tradition, nobody cares about you here in the south if you’re sight is on communist Biden. You my neighbors, have very little of an option. ~Florida

  3. What's even scarier is people will continue to support his consistent grifting and continue to attempt to vote this dangerous criminal back into the Oval Office. Who wants this wannabe dictator in control of WWlll?

  4. America, oh my good, can't you imagine what dictatorship is coming to the once "America the Beautiful" , DT will destroy America and the world even more, he only works into his own pocket, dignity or character??? No… The world gets more dangerous with this miserable person and Americans are too dump to realize this.

  5. Character defines a person. Please people! We must not let Donald Trump represent our nation with his immoral, ignorant, racist, and unkind ways. He separated us from our allies and will turn this nation into a fascist state. Do those who attend his rallies not know that none of them would be welcome in his personal company? How can evangelical Christians, support a man who has not read a Bible nor begged for our Lord Jesus to save and guide him? This man cares only for himself and is a danger to our nation and our world.

  6. President Biden may have been born with a stutter, which is really barely noticeable, but was also born with high intelligence. Trump was born with extremely low intelligence, better known as stupidity, narcissism, total lack of empathy, total lack of morals, a total and extreme lack of human decency and has been swimming in the low end of the gene pool since birth. Which person would you rather have as President?

  7. 12.45am Trump is the most vile human being ive ever listend to. Not even Putin talks like that in public. He has got no filter as to what he thinks is ok to say to the American people.

  8. He is disgusting acting out a reporter that had a disability and now he has no respect for others that have issues but ok then let’s talk about you shitting your pants and bad BO, he should be shamed of himself. He’s disgusting to me.

  9. Old Ben you worse then a old women with wet panties, really much more worse!!! Why don't you talk about your favourite Joe Biden snd all the harm he is doing to US???? Come on get a live pleassssssse I beg you!!!!

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