Trump Lawyers MAJOR LOSS Gives ROADMAP DIRECTLY to Trump


MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas and Talking Feds host Harry Litman reports on the disbarment recommendation against Donald Trump lawyer John Eastman and the disastrous hearing against Trump DOJ lackey Jeff Clark.

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  1. Eastman should have been disbarred for his fashion choices made 1/6/21 alone.

    In all seriousness, it continues to fry me how everyone around 45 continue to be punished properly but not so much for this most recent “Teflon Don”!!

  2. Strange that the right to free speech is never exercised by these people when they are under oath. It makes me think that the free speech is the lie. Plead the fifth, everybody knows no inference shoiuld be taken from that. But if you are prepared to let your mouth run riot on fox, newsmax et al, dont be suprised that people do infer. And what they infer is guilt.

  3. Thanks Ben and Harry Littman recommending removal of Eastman's and Jeff Clark's lawyer disbarments. Antisipate that tRump will try to stop this disbarment …. supported by a 94-page inditement.

  4. yeah i dont get you guys putting your law license into question when trump is putting this coup plan into action, i can see it now "um excuse me ex president trump you want me to do what?" i would have simply said ill be right back and he would never see me again…i must protect the license…

  5. These people ARE SHEEP FOLLOWING HIM TO THE SLAUGHTER HOUSE they are the true definition of CHUMPS.
    What i can't understand is these people are actually educated unlike the rally dwellers. IT'S INSANE😮

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