Trump STRUGGLES to Answer SIMPLE QUESTION During Interview


Anthony Davis reports on Donald Trump’s recent interview on a right wing propaganda network, and how Trump could not stay on script and give a coherent answer.

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  1. Trumps only redeeming quality: He’s so laughable….I’ve had so many belly laughs since he came down the elevator, I believe I’ve laugh more in the last few years the my 60 years previous. It kind of balances out the disgust. And I refuse to hate him, it’s what the dark side wants.

  2. I love these takes on it. This is insane how is he thought of as fit to run the country. He is all over the place. I totally concur with your take. Liar, loser, grifter, predator, rapist, twice impeached, four time indicted, imbecile. Welcome to the oval office. NOT!

  3. Here's an idiot saying, providing and winning about adult how I was but I can be you're ruler and tell you what I feel you're punishment should be… fuck the constitution or amendments.. I am the law!!
    For those who think like him,… I… rather not know and keep our relationship.

  4. Stump is aperson not afraid of God. Does he think God is going to give hi immunity from all the lies and dehumanizing people of all races. And embraces evil. I FEEL SO BAD for this person for all he de declares about God's own creations. FORGIVE them Father for they know not what they do. Remember everyone God hates the sin not the sinner, even dump truck stump. The devil biggest lie to the world was he does t exist. Not existence as in the flesh. But in our troubles that attack us daily in every form it can exist. We should reveal him when he's at work to destroy our peace.

  5. Trump is always on the mind of Democrats. What's that like to think about the same man for the last 10 years of your life. Yeah that's right. Did you just realize that you just spent the last 10 years of your life stuck in a loop of trump for breakfast lunch and dinner. Then dream about him and do it all again the next day. I feel sorry for the left I really do. What a miserable existence to be obsessed over something you hate and that hatred consumed you.

  6. The orange blob is the most brilliant studier and reader of history that there ever was. Unlike anything you've ever seen before. In the entire history of the country. Proof? Well, he's the ONLY one who knew that in 1775, the Continental Army "took over the airports". And only the libturd fake media will argue that the first airport didn't get built until 133 years later. FAKE NEWS!

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