Trump Super Fan: “He’s Done More For Black America Than ANY Other President in History”


This MAGA Super fan goes hard in the paint for Trump. Michael Shure reports for TYT at Trump’s Rock Hill Rally in South Carolina. A manifesto for a new progressive vision

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  1. It's sad to see black people making claims like this one that Trump has done a lot for black people, which is nothing but a fluke and a blatant lie. There are always blacks like this one who can be bought and will sell their souls and people to buffoons like Trump for next to nothing. Clearly for a black guy to be so proud of someone who hates black people is something! Trump did not give anything to black colleges, and black colleges had feared off worst under Trump. Recently in a bill hundreds of millions of dollars have gone to historically black colleges not under the Trump administration but under Joe Biden.

  2. No, Jimmy. This racist country is no friend to Decendants of African Slaves. Only DoAS who have tired of thinking of the daily threats to our lives and live in hope that this country will some day forgive us for being 'black'… by befriending you.
    There is nothing funny, to DoAS who weather the apathy, of your kind in our daily lives.
    Overstand this, Jimmy. DoAS are NOT immigrants to your country. We ARE a centuries old people who CAIN'T know where we come from and DON'T know the benefits of self governance.
    DoAS are a 10% tolerated and 90% denigrated people in this racist country which you so proudly love.

  3. It's funny, because everyone of these cultist who say Biden has destroyed our country, can't actually tell you how. Other than the usuals. The border, which Dems gave the bigot Republicans everything they wanted & because Trump wanted to campaign off of it, they changed their minds. Inflation, which is a worldwide issue not just here in America. They have this notion that Joe Biden is destroying our country, but other than inflation sucking, I can't tell.🤷🏽‍♂️

  4. The one thing I notice from people that are voting Left vs Right. Liberals are NOT voting against Trump because of his policies they are voting against him because they don't like him as a person. Most conservatives NOT ALL, but most are voting for Trump because of his policies. This is becoming more alarming. For example, 95% of comments here are making fun of this guy, but not giving FACTS of how he is right or wrong. I have noticed this over and over on many YouTube channels that interview conservatives on their channels.

  5. Black home ownership has been decreasing since 2004 and continues today. Obama left office with the lowest unemployment rate for blacks already. Trump claimed these numbers for himself within two weeks in office. The Obama stimulus continued into the Trump years which is why people believe that it was Trump. Please name any legislation that Trump could claim for his term that benefited anyone black or white.

  6. This guy is
    Obviously not well…I don’t understand these people saying Biden can’t complete a’s not hard to find soooop much videos of Biden being a normal human being f.e. Meetings, talking to people outside etc…

  7. i just watched this video on another channel it got 175k views in 20 hours and this channel with the original footage only got 60k views in 4 days. we can see people really do agree with this guy talking. and i do also. call him all the names you want but most people agree with this man.

  8. Young Turk is there any reasonable questions you can asked than standing with mic in your? Is there any intelligent question to ask him? Wow.. You one of those in social media let them spread their false information.

  9. TYT, what is wrong with you? I see black people here in the comments agreeing with this fool. Saying you know what, he may be right, and you post this bs with no pushback. No fact-checking, no clarification. Just leave that lie out there for Idiots. to believe. 😮

  10. The sad fact is that he actually believes what he is saying… SHOW THE RECEIPTS! All that "he did blah blah blah" where are the receipts? Do these fools realize the border crisis has been going on for decades? Just because you can see it on the internet and sensationalized news coverage now idiots act as if it is a new SMH do some research for yourself. Bills that were passed, labor and unemployment statistics, any laws that were enacted are all fact checkable.

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