Trump’s MASSIVE PROBLEM with Boomer & Gen-Z Voters


Adam Mockler with MeidasTouch breaks down some recent polling data and highlights Trump’s struggle to breakthrough to Gen-Z, plus baby boomers firm rejection of MAGA.


Adam Mockler – amock



  1. You can hate Trump all you want but what's your party's answer to this countrys MANY problems? Got anything? Didn't think so. Your TDS isn't solving a damn thing

  2. Born in 1961, I am considered a Boomer. My landline needed repair in the early fall of 2016. I cancelled it. It was wonderful. I was so relieved not to pick up the phone to pollsters. I haven't voted for a Republican since sometime on the 1990s.

  3. so you believe in killing life. That is what abortion accomplishes once the fetus has a heart beat. Climate change is a hoax! I don't believe in destroying our energy policies and economy for climate change and temp diff of 1% increase.

  4. Joe Biden signed Secure Act 2.0 into law which has automatic enrollment and automatic portability for 401k plans. The $5k minimum balance once someone leaves a McDonald’s job or something with the same pay grade is who gets hurt by this. So automatic portability really helps.

  5. Strength for the oxygen thief (Biden) and his cabinet of criminals, despite all the problems, conflicts, disasters, etc. that failure as a Human has caused? Are all of those planning to support that waste of space insane?

    Try getting away from all political parties and stop believing what legacy media outlets are telling you to think and believe. – 01) Political parties should never have existed. 02) Legacy media has not (for a couple decades) done any actual unbiased reporting that allows those getting information from the to make a truly informed decision. 03) The education system has been corrupted by the far left and other radical groups that want to distort facts and indoctrinate those that are supposed to be learning true facts and how to use critical thinking faculties instead of buying into lies being spread. (There are many other points, but those should be enough.)

    Why are they concerning themselves with the Hunter involvement?

    There is no need since the oxygen thief (Biden) has continually/repeatedly (You choose which you like.) committed (and continues to do so) acts of treason (and terrorism) against the citizens of the USA starting the day – Actually, it was far earlier than that. – he was installed.

    01) Stopped the building of the boarder wall allowing illegals and criminals to enter en mass.

    02) Stole USA taxpayer monies to bring illegal aliens into the USA without the permission or desire of any actual USA citizen. – That's grand larceny and terrorism.

    03) Shut down oil production in the USA, draining the emergency reserves (for no good reason) and making oil companies get oil from outside the USA at high prices. – That being the biggest reason for the skyrocketing inflation. Yes, it is the fault of the oxygen thief (Biden). – Another act of terrorism and of treason.

    04) Pulled USA troops out of Afghanistan without proper time, support, warning, or allowing time to get USA citizens (civilian) out of the country. Doing all that and letting the Taliban have all the USA equipment and armaments. – Treason & terrorism all in one.

    05) Taking taxpayer monies and giving it to the illegal aliens and criminals that the oxygen thief (Biden) stole other monies from the same taxpayers to bring those criminals and illegal aliens into the USA.. He managed to also embolden the traffickers in Mexico to go right on through and bring Fentanyl into the USA with them. – Terrorism and treason against the citizens of the USA yet again.

    06) He is currently trying to screw with the integrity of the presidential election for 2024 (as was done in 2020) with a COVID scare tactic, in an attempt to bring back the disastrous mail in ballots they used to cheat in the 2020 election cycle. – Election tampering and fraud. (Federal crimes) – This one is also treasonous, but in a somewhat slimy way. It is terrorism in that it undermines the electoral system to make way for corruption.

    07) He installed criminals in several departments. DOJ, DHS, ATF, etc. and while not fully treason or terrorism, it is criminal and needs to be dealt with as such.

    Need I go on, really?

    Wake Up The Citizens of the U.S.A. with the following message.

    Now, for an intelligence test.

    Those that are brilliant, genius, wise, intelligent, smart, etc. will vote Dan Schaller for POTUS in 2024. – Will you make the list?

  6. I'm going to make a statement that there is a group of people will dislike, but need to stop and think about (logically) before making any decision.
    Anyone that would generally/typically vote for Trump really needs to vote for me, Dan Schaller, instead. – It is quite clear that there is always going to be some impediment to Trump and his constantly being indicted (regardless of guilt or not) is going to interfere with any chance he may have had. – You have to remember that the oxygen thief (Biden) and his cabinet of criminals still have corrupt allies and puppet masters that will continue to impede anything Trump may do to be useful or even a viable candidate. (They'll do the same with Vivek so that choice is gone.) Pence is treasonous and cares not for the USA or its citizens. I've no idea what the bigoted Chris has for a platform and I doubt anyone else does either.

    My platform is quite clear – Yes, it isn't detailed. That is on purpose. – and unlike most of the others running, I'm running out of a sense of civic responsibility instead of a desire to be in the lime light.

    I understand that you don't know me, but what makes you think you actually know any of the candidates (especially those that the media always gives coverage to)? – You should understand that the answer is that you don't… and usually when it's too late to do anything about it.

    To every true citizen of the United States of America: I am going to request of each to perform your civic duty and get at least 50 other people (along with yourself) elect Dan Schaller to POTUS in 2024. – It would be far better if every citizen were to vote for me, but I'm realistic and I already know how difficult it will be to get those that are fed a steady diet of misinformation and lies by the media and legacy candidates and parties to vote for someone they've never even heard of prior to you mentioning the name.

    It is very important that this be done though. Nothing less than the state of our republic is at stake. – Quite possibly even freedoms many of us take for granted.

    Beyond all that, it is a chance to show that you have working critical thinking faculties and are not simply a drone that will do what is expected of you.
    If you don't like what I have for a platform, I urge you to do as I have done – Put up or shut up. – and run for the office which I am running for. Dan Schaller for POTUS 2024.

    Wake Up The Citizens of the U.S.A. with the following message.

    Now, for an intelligence test.

    Those that are brilliant, genius, wise, intelligent, smart, etc. will vote Dan Schaller for POTUS in 2024. – Will you make the list?

  7. Adam, for starters I’m a boomer and I seriously am worried about what kind of country will my daughter be left with. I’ve been a fan of Meidas for a while and when I first saw your videos I felt relief that there is some hope for my country. I’ve been sending links for a couple of your videos to all my friends and family. I want them to know that gen z isn’t just a bunch of bums or stressed out young adults. That there is hope that our democracy has a chance to survive and thrive. I want to say thank you for all you’re doing to help us keep democracy alive. Please keep doing as you are doing, this country needs you and many many more like you.

  8. I’m a Baby boomer and life long Republican. I voted Trump and I am so ashamed I failed to see Trump for the Monster he really is. January 6th was the last straw for this former Republican. Trump drove me out of the Republican Party. I sincerely ask my still Republican friends to not fall for the Trump un-American this scumbag is and the threat Trump is to our Democracy. Trump and his close relationship with another dictator in the form of Putin is frightening. I sincerely apologize to my fellow Americans for have supported Trump.

  9. Trump is going to win the next election. All he has to do is tout the democrats disasters. And buddy everything they've done is nothing short of disaster. When you ask the ignorant fools about their disasters all they have is duhhh Trump. That's it.

  10. I'm not quite old enough to be a boomer, but I was a Republican who used to believe it was church & private charities job to help the poor & that abortion is murder. I actually changed my mind on economics first. I watched as my friends became homeless & churches helped a little, but extremely little, while Republicans were cutting programs for the poor. So I voted democrat for president for the 1st time in 2012. Then I saw Republicans pass abortion bill after abortion bill without common sense exceptions & I finally realized they were just using the issue.

  11. VOTE 🗳️ BLUE 💙to save our freedoms and our democracy. If you don’t have freedom in a democracy, you’ll never vote again because it will be the end of your voting.

  12. Great show! Thank u for your work. 💙 I’m voting FOR Biden. He’s a competent leader who we can trust with basic stuff like respecting our checks and balances of government.

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