Trump’s PAST Exposed when FAKE CRISIS is CALLED OUT


MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how Donald Trump and MAGA try to cover up the pain they inflict on America by generating fake issues to divide us.

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  1. I have been waiting to see if Donald Trump made a statement about or visited Baltimore's Collapsed Bridge and those who suffered. It appears not from Downunder. What a hateful character.

  2. Hey Trump have too many people supporting him with grave mental issue but not all of his supporters but there a lot twisting everything Biden do rather is good or not. I can't wait until November so this election is over.

  3. It's good that saying the truth about God.
    One of these days that I'm talking is gonna happen and I wish they listen to God.
    Refrigeration, it would tell you what's gonna happen. Those the state here on earth? Let me hear it's gonna be okay. But 3 and a 1/2 is gonna be okay, after that God is coming so so you're not ready.You're staying.
    Did read the Bible read?The bible tells you the whole truth

  4. All of us, MAGA and everyone else, only see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear. And wherever our sympathies lie, we will seek out the media that reinforces that and the company of people that do the same (it is not 100% but that's the overarching trend). However, is one side truly right and the other side truly wrong? It is complicated. Yes, there is an ultimate right side, but wrong that they're right about everything. The Left just loves to shoot itself in the foot (I will not explain that statement because criticism never goes well). The Right doesn't love to shoot itself in the foot but they can't help themselves. But their voters are rabid because they are daily put into a frenzy that their world is ending. The Left is a lot less rabid. So, the polls are generally skewed for the Right and the general atmosphere is that their movement is very strong… and it is intimidating. And they know it. The courts failed and that is a terrible precedent. Now it is up to the voters (but to be clear, it never should have come to that). And, apparently, it is legitimate for someone to attempt a coup and then run for reelection. Hard to believe, but that's where we're at. This is now a media war, a messaging war. We're smarter than them. But they are tenacious and can sling propaganda from here till the end of time and they love to use religion as a uniting force. And that is all very difficult to combat. All the smarts in the world haven't figured out how to reverse such a strategy. What a situation to be in… in 2024. We have so much to deal with and now we're just trying to save the country from fascism from self-proclaimed American patriots. Good luck and Zeus-speed.

  5. Trump is getting really desperate & running amuck & his pea brain is exploding. It's amazing that MAGA Republicans will throw out propaganda about the sitting President Joe Biden. Democrats we need to stand together & not believe anything MAGA Republicans puts out there about President Biden. They are trying to separate & divide us & the attacks will only get worse the closer it gets to the 2024 Presidential Election. Maybe we regular folks whatever the party needs to quit buying big companies' products or scale back bc we don't need big companies draining our pockets & avoid paying taxes.

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