With Jean-Claude Juncker announcing ambitions for more integration in Europe, we ask how far the European Project will go, even to be one day considered a nation state?
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Why so called “United States” of Europe has a map of Russia representing it ?
German Fourt Reich !
EU defence force is a gross mistake!!
Juncker quote: "When it becomes serious, you have to lie ".
Conspiracy? ’Europe’s nations should be guided towards the Super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be established by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will inevitably and irreversibly lead to federation’’. Jean Monnet
Consiliului Europei Na Norway United Kingdom Germany France an United Europea Moldova an Russia Roamina An United States an CNBC On Cluj-Naboca Na United Nations Na Adrian-Ovidiu Olar Na New York An fox news Ahf Zrsh Ban Carson: Education was they key me escaping poverty Srgc Dux Gtwijdouc Aobs Rudijuo Uoczr Xieb Vcblijuw Caks Ben Carsof: Education was they key for me escapamg poverty Na Thdx Gwyfsho 31 2021
I support the idea of a United Continent and nobody can tell me otherwise if
this comment gets replies just come at me bro with your shitty reasons like
nationalism. there are cultural differences within countries and regions. Do not think as we're still living through the era of the kings.
There are already countries that are based on multiculturalism.
As long as there's rule of law and people respect it. We are not religious fanatics anymore nor we are supremacista of single race.
The cultural globalization has already started a long time ago and the speed of its progress is only increased with inventions such as the internet. This is because physical distances and boundaries are becoming more and more irrelevant and different cultures are interacting with each other more and more closely, which means they inevitably share aspects of themselves between each others. I speculate that with enough time, assuming we haven't destroyed ourselves, different human cultures will have homogenized their cultural differences far enough so that they will no longer feel the need to remain as separate countries and will eventually unite all humankind in a single world encompassing government.
I want United States of Europe
Donkey puts Russia in the thumbnail
will not quote too much never gave a law for children child protection or child education nothing nose given more than that You must understand that I am not interested in Europe You must understand what it says that Europe is united is the most corrupt no law a law is not for children no law is for protection I forgot nothing You have to understand that Europe is the most and most corrupt education instead of letting go of Education Education law nothing You have to understand this is corruption You have to understand that who says that europe is indeed that i was born in europe and i am european but it takes me how far i would never go back to europe you have to understand that it is the most corrupt at the moment in the world you have to understand much instead of helping people help the corrupt develop corruption harder harder This is Europe You need to understand high-level corruption a
I know You have to understand that I'm not interested in Europe I'm not interested may be in my head and stand that I'm not interested in Europe Europe not at all who says that Europe is united the most corrupt the most hot and the only liar what not to say a word of this of mine I have a word of this so very beautiful but mother little You have to understand for me Europe destroyed the whole economy of Romania more than that You have to understand that it cut everything everything cut the whole forest more than that Europe What does corrupt business thief mean and everything you want to find there could no longer like drugs you find if you want if you want You have to understand that this means Europe high level corruption you have to understand This means bureaucracy and this means communism You have to understand who says that Europe has to be I don't know how to Cetera etc noted you don't have to understand that you come back and put all the forest back from me and more so much You have to understand How much you take the whole forest from and more than that you have to put the whole forest back and the factories You have to understand but it takes you all or destroyed all and more than that You have to understand that for me Europe corrupt thieves everything you want you can find in Europe in the European Parliament this must be understood by each person I will put the documents as soon as you don't worry how fast I can put the documents sign Nițu Joker
Integration by dictatorship, Hitler style.
thank god the bits left
European National Football team. The Italians want it NOW.
I don’t want my people to be a minority. No thanks
In all throughout Schengen areas of European Union, most goods and services prices are similar, i.e. aligned. 3+1 , 4+1 apartment prices in all Schengen cities are similar beginning from 500.000 euros to 7 million euros, villas prices go to 20 million euros e.g. both in Helsinki and in Algeciraz right across Morocco. Lunch with traditional meals cost at least 60 euros per person in normal restaurants of Schengen with soup, meat, rice, salad, dessert included. Meal prices are also similar in all Schengen.
There should be more European sports teams playing exhibition games against US etc. One thing that unites people is sport and a common hatred of the other eg Americans.
"The story is told of Gordon Brown dining in Beijing with his Chinese counterpart, who asked a pointed question: "The future is continental – China, America, Europe – which continent will Britain be with?" Brown offered the New Labour bromide about Britain as a bridge between the US and EU, but Wen Jiabao made the point again: the future is continental, Britain would have to choose."
"Lee: I do not share the view that this is the Pacific century. I believe it will be a century in which the Chinese and the Americans are competing for power across the Pacific. If Europe is capable of unifying, the world will have three poles. And with the Russians – should they recover – it will be a world with four poles.
The centre of gravity has shifted from the Atlantic to the Pacific. That's true. You must not forget that until 300 years ago, China produced 50 per cent of global GDP and it is step by step getting there again, unless something happens internally.
Zeit: That would mean that this is not really a rise, it is more of a reincarnation of China?
Lee: Whichever way you want to put it, it means a stronger China, a louder voice in the various organisations of the world and more military strength to keep others away from the country's borders.
Schmidt: It appears to me that this concept of a shift of power centres from the Atlantic to the Pacific originates in America and it has, in a way, been used to legitimise a shift in the strategic positioning of the US navy and the air force.
Today, the Americans have an air base on Australian soil and they have a permanent fleet reaching from the Persian Gulf, through the Indian Ocean, the South China Sea and the East China Sea right to the coastal regions of Canada. In my view, the Americans are exaggerating.
I fully agree with Harry's answer. If we hadn't had the immense financial crisis in 2008, I would still repeat my old slogan that we are approaching a tri-polar world. It would have consisted of China, the US and Europe.
Lee: That could still happen.
Schmidt: It could still happen. Since that profound financial crisis, I am not so sure any more.
Lee: Europe can only move in two directions. If it is to preserve its unity and the euro, there must be more integration. It must not stop half-way. That's why I believe that the Greek crisis gives Europe the time to decide whether it wants to divide up into small states again and exist without influence, or whether it will unite and have one voice in this world.
Schmidt: I agree with you completely. The problem is that there are no outstanding leading personalities in Europe at the moment.
Lee: Yes, but crises can bring about leaders.
Schmidt: That is also correct. World War II produced Winston Churchill. But that does not happen in every century.
Lee: One never knows. This crisis will not come in two or three years, it will come in 10 to 20 years. When it comes, Europeans can make the decision: We will either get closer together or we won't matter any more. And once they have decided this question, there will be the opportunity for new leaders to appear.
Schmidt: We both won't live that long.
Lee: That's right, but I think I can make relatively certain prophecies. If that does not happen, Europe will not have a real weight and that would be a great pity for the world.
Schmidt: But it can still carry on living happy and satisfied in its little corner.
Lee: Yes, that is true. But it will not be part of the council of the world in which decisions over big events are made.
Schmidt: That's true.
This piece was translated from German. It was first published on Sept 6 in Die Zeit, a German national weekly newspaper.
Thank god that the British people decided to leave this european nightmare.
Imagine how powerful and capable a really United Europe could be!
No longer we would "need" the help by other nations. We would truly be independent from other powerful states, which suppressed and used us. We could use this new power, to bring peace to the world, and truly unite this once splitted continent!
I want a united European country.
A federal EU sounds pretty neat. Some people really need to calm down with their conspiracy theories.
Answer; all of the way. The important question is how many will still be in the EU when it does? As things currently stand the only country we can be reasonably sure about is…………….Well quite frankly not even the Germans and the French are looking like cast iron certainties. So it may just be Belgium on its own.
Irish people are starting to wake up now because I'm one of them, I cheered for Trump, I cheered for Brexit, but Ireland is still bent over taking it right up the hole from the EU because of our current liberal globalist government, I'm waiting in hope for Irexit.
EU will become United States of Europe, then it'll join the Russian Federation and finally be renamed to Union of Soviet Democratic Socialist Republics, alias. Soviet Union. ☭🇪🇺☭
2:38 '' EU can't ever become a nation state '' ? :)) Wrong ! You ( as a person ) you will get old or sick and die and the new generations will travel more and become more and more Europeans ! EU will become United States of Europe just like USA !
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