USA Today Columnist On Protesters: Run Them Down


Glenn Reynolds is a columnist for USA Today who apparently thinks black protesters are like zombies, and white people should get in their cars and run them over. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“Glenn Reynolds, a USA Today columnist and University of Tennessee law professor who goes by the name Instapundit, said on Thursday morning that he will not apologize for a tweet urging drivers to run over protesters in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Reynolds told radio host Hugh Hewitt that he would “probably not” tweet the message if given another chance, but he was unapologetic.

“I have to say I don’t apologize for the sentiment,” he said. “I think that this tactic of blocking people on the interstate and surrounding cars is itself violent. It is threatening. It is not peaceful protest, and it should not be permitted.”

Reynolds on Wednesday night linked to a story about protesters stopping traffic on an interstate highway with the phrase “Run them down.”

He said Thursday that he expressed his concern about protesters blocking traffic “perhaps a little too pithily.””*

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Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)

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  1. I don't agree with the tweet at all, but at the same time, you really are asking for problems if your protest involves blocking interstate traffic. That's suicide right there. Find some other road to do this on. Not an interstate!

  2. a handgun weighs about two pounds, a bullet? less than an ounce. if a gun is pointed at you or bullets are flying at you, you get out of the way! but a three thousand pound car? why get out of the way of a three thousand pound car? what a bunch of idiots. sometimes I guess the herd just needs to thin itself.

  3. Is this a way of telling us citizens to run down all politicians we don't like for commuticating the wrong message?

    In that case I 'm beginning to understand why the americans are so hellbent on having a car that's heavier than a dump truck.

  4. Your a fool for this video.

    Let’s see what you do when people are surrounding your car, yelling at you for things that have nothing to do with you and breaking your window. Freeways and Roadways are not place for protesters.

  5. I hate Cenk so much. I wouldn't stop either, get out of the damn road am I right?? Stupid people..
    "Oh you got hit standing in a road?" Says the dr treating this dumbass. Need a mental health evaluation as well. 🤣😂🤣😂

  6. Just for fact, much more people are killed as civilian vs Civilian compared to cop vs civilian. As 342 people in the USA have been shot dead by police so far, and this was updated 2 days ago on the 16th May 2019, compared to 5,149 Civilian Vs Civilian shootings. This is very bias with everyone complaining about police shooting to many people, when most of them are justified, and people are ignoring the fact that there are thousands more Civilian on Civilian shootings and homicides/fatal shootings.

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