Hong Kong’s future as Asia’s financial centre | FT Film


The city’s reputation as Asia’s top international financial centre has been shaken by three years of protests, a political crackdown and a zero-Covid policy. The FT’s Asia financial correspondent Tabby Kinder examines whether the city can remain the prime place to do business in Asia. Read more at https://on.ft.com/3I0ZpZH

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  1. In a bear market, the media highlights unfavorable events, such as a shrinking economy, geopolitical instability cultural and legal conflicts. or a mixture of these factors. Recently I came across a podcast featuring someone who successfully multiplied their initial investment from $20k to nearly $460k during this challenging market phase. Can you give advice on how to achieve such aggressive profits in such short periods?

  2. So, basically western bankers and finance people are telling that young political dissident from Hong Kong (and others like him) – sucks for you that you bought into the western "democracy" line, joined the protesters, destroyed parts of the city, maybe got jailed, ruined your record, had to leave your country – but we decide we will stay and do business in Hong Kong anyway. Thanks for your effort though.

  3. I am interested in setting up a company in Hong Kong, because in addition to several tax advantages, Hong Kong is unsurpassed in terms of corporate networking, which is essential for a company to grow. In addition to being the city of my dreams to live in.

    However, I unfortunately recognize Hong Kong's grim fate, and I probably no longer intend to maintain the company after 2049.

    I'll probably move to Singapore or Tokyo.

  4. China ruined the once free and prosperous city of Hong Kong. The fruits of generations of Hong Kongers’ blood, sweat and tears were destroyed by China so amazingly fast. RIP HK

  5. 13:00 not if people think their intellectual property and wealth will be siezed by the CCP as it is in China, they will keep information and intelligence quiet until they can leave and set up in a free society. If Beijing does not leave HK to its own devices, the only one who will lose in the long term is Beijing.

  6. I lived in HK for 7 years. then riots destroyed city for reasons I never understood: local brats were going along w their wolf-in-sheep clothing Mainland CCCP army youth and then screamed and cried that they hate the CCCP.
    the banking for Americans got really hard when I arrived in 2014 and now its pretty much impossible unless u show up w a stack of previous years taxes. And the bank examines ur signature like I've never seen anywhere… with a magnifying glass.
    I was treated like crap by British for being American, ignored by every western man who were 100% engrossed in Yellow Fever, and pay is waaaay low as an ESL teacher.
    In addition, ALL Chinese: whether Taiwan, HK or mainland have a super weapon you as an outsider WILL NEVER win against: complaining. CHINESE COMPLAIN ABOUT ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. which sux, because ur students are only treated as customers to keep money flowing and overly critical parents content.

  7. Stop fooling yourselves. Hierarchical Capitalism works greatest when democracy is non existent. Look at Singapore. I would also say that Hong Kong is a cultural backwater which allows westerners to feel comfortable with a culture they’re familiar with. Hong Kongers know this and so does the west. For market capitalisation, Shanghai is much more important and Hong Kongers are fearful of becoming just another South China city.

  8. Why China is a problem of Hong Kong? I am confused. Why western politicians is not a problem of Hong Kong? Hong Kong people would rather be a servant of Foreign country? It is interesting!

  9. Singapore is the most likely new financial hub for Asia's other rising economies. HK is never going to be the same again ever–it will be a totalitarian domain and that will make investors/companies think long and hard about continuing to do business there. However, greed always wins out over morals.

  10. At least a Chinese HK can slowly transform itself into an open international money laundering center now away from its previous financial center of Asia. It definitely is going to make Beijing officials a lot more happy with this new role in asset and finance management expertise. 🤵🤱

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